Kim turned to her fake lover, touched the tip of Pie's nose and smiled. "Hey there, beautiful." She went back to Nam and said, "Okay, shall we?"

"Wait, Kim, let's fix this first." Nam stopped them to arranged Kim's collar. Kim wasn't expecting that but had to stay still.

Pie rolled her eyes.

Just in time, Shone stepped out of their room and locked the door. "Where do you want to eat guys?"

Nam turned around after she's done with the collar. "Let's go to Flames. Barbecue is Kim's favorite, right?"

"Yeah, I was already imagining and drooling over barbecue since last night," said Kim..

"I knew it. Are you going to order the usual?" asked Nam, giving Pie an idea that they've already gone there several times.

"Yeah!" Kim grinned widely, showing off her excitement. "I haven't eaten there since you left, Nammy. I'm going to order that same old meal. I miss that."

"Me too, Kimmy, I miss the same old meal. Let's go." Nam grabbed Shone's hand and started walking ahead of them.

Pie flexed her jaw.

This girl is really bitching me.


Flames Restaurant

Shone had picked a private room for them. Like the last time they had dinner, the couples were sitting in front of each other by pair. Nam and Kim ordered the usual meal they used to get before. Shone ordered the house specialty. Pie was having a hard time deciding on what to pick so Kim ordered for her instead.

Their setup tonight was like a déjàvu of their last dinner together. Pie noticed how Nam keeps on pointing out the things that she was doing with Kim before. Pie knew that the war isn't over yet.

Although it's not obvious to Shone and Kim, Pie feels that Nam is silently attacking her from time to time. If it wasn't for Kim's unconscious support, she knows she'd been long defeated. She isn't doing anything to counter-attack but Kim has been treating her like a princess the entire evening, making Pie think that it's pissing Nam off.

Whatever sweetness Kim is showing her, Pie is completely aware that it's only a part of their acting. However, the more she's exposed to it the more she feels like she's getting used to it. Kim has her own unique ways of showing sweetness without making Pie feel awkward about it. She just enjoys how Kim pampers her.

"Baby, you should try this one..." Kim was using the fork to hold the meat in place while slicing it with a knife. She planted the fork on it and turns to Pie. "Ahhh..."

Pie opened her mouth as Kim held the fork to her. "Mmmm." Kim waited for her response with a curious look on her face. "It's delicious," said Pie, beaming.

"You like it?" Kim looked happier with Pie's reaction.

"Yeah, it's flavorful. I want more, honey."

Kim turned to her plate, still smiling. "Sure, sure. I'll slice some more for you."

"I think I'm gonna have diabetes just by staring at you two," said Shone, pointing his fork at them. Pie and Kim laughed while Nam raised an eyebrow. "How long have you been together again?"

"They've only been together for two weeks, Shone. It's normal for new couples to be that sweet when the relationship is fresh and young," said Nam.

Kim and Pie looked at each other.

"Oh really? But you weren't that sweet to me darling when we started," said Shone, smiling at Nam.

A smile drew on Pie's face. She tried not to make it obvious.

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