Chapter 1

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Justin's POV

"Hey what's up you guys ? How are my Beliebers going ?" I asked with opened arms to my camera that was set up in front of me with two studio lights behind it.

"So, you guys have been asking me a lot of questions on Twitter and Instagram. Instead of answering them directly, I decided to make it into a questions and answer video !" I added, using a hand to quickly ruffle my hair.

"I feel like these lights are washing me out" I said, squinting my eyes and looking into the view finder.

"Aw well. Anyway, so without further-a-do, let's get started."

"First question, JustinCrewBieber asks, 'Who are you missing most right now ?'" I read off my phone.

"By the way, I stalk your account all the time and I'd just like to let you know I love you and are so thankful for your support. Anyway, on with the video... I think at the moment I'm missing my Mum the most just because she moved to Hawaii a while ago and I haven't seen her since. I still FaceTime her and call her all the time though."

"Second question, Australieber wants to know, 'Can you marry me ?' When and where babe ? I actually love Australian girls, I love all girls, but I've got a soft spot for all my Aussies out there."

"Third question, 5sexofBieber, these usernames are so creative, what the heck ? It takes me days just to think of a pass lock for my phone and you guys probably come up with these in like a second. Anyway, she or he would like to know if and when I'm going on tour. Um, I did just get back from travelling some places so I'm definitely going to take a break for that. However I do have some things to do with tour planned, I guess you'll have to stick around for that."

As per usual, I continued on and answered as many questions.

I took a deep breath out, before starting to record again for my outroducrion.

"So that's it for this week guys ! Next week will be a different video. Y'all have been requesting for me to do some collabs, so that's what I'll be doing but it's going to be a surprise. It's some one you all have been asking for, for a while. So stay tuned for that. Don't forget to subscribe if your not, leave a comment below and click the like button aswell. You can follow me on Twitter and Instagram at '@justinbieber' and on snapchat '@Rickthesizzler'. My Facebook link will also be below in the down bar. Love you all ! Bye !"

I then stood up and leant forward to turn off the recording, but before I did, I put my face up close to the lense and said "Oh, hi there."

Laughing to myself, I began packing up my equipment so I could start editing to get it up by tomorrow.

After spending an hour editing what was recorded, I decided to leave the last bit to do tonight before bed.

I was in a happy mood and felt like filming another video.

Picking up my iPhone, I put in my passlock and went straight onto Twitter.

'@JustimBieber: Hey guys ! I'm gunna' film another video, kiss marry or fuck' I tweeted out before replying to it with 'Using the hashtag #JustinKmF, leave me some names of people ! I will start filming in the next ten minutes so be quick !'

Realising I had to set up my lights and camera again, I groaned. I decided I'd just go film out on my patio and use natural lighting.

I put the tripod in position and then set my camera up so my whole upper torso was in frame.


"Okay, so first off, we have Cara Delevingne, Tyler Oakly and Twaimz" I read out loud.

"I'm gunna' have to marry Tyler and fuck Cara. Sorry Twaimz but you only get kissed" I said, pulling a 'whoopsies' face.

I continued on like that until I got to one that I really had to think about.

"Alli Simpson, Selena Gomez and Lauren Curtis... All I know is that Lauren does makeup videos and she's really pretty so I'd fuck her. Now, I don't think I'd marry Selena because that means I'd fuck her all the time and I don't want to do that."

Groaning, I ran a hand through my hair.

"Alli Simpson is gorgeous, plus she's a YouTuber as well so I would definitely marry her and I'd be able to fuck her all the time, and as I said; she's gorgeous" I finally said.

I can't wait to see half my fandom going crazy that I said I'd fuck Alli and the other half going crazy for saying I wouldn't fuck Selena Gomez.

I thought I'd treat my Belieber's to a lovely Monday and give them both these videos tomorrow. Come on, we all know Monday's suck so I thought I'd give my viewers a nice treat.

What do you think ?

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