thankful for...

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TeddyBearTroye Ciara deer! You are such a sweet person and I'm so fucking thankful we met though wattpad. I've only known you for...two months? But, though those two months, you've been such a fucking sweetheart and such an amazing person and I couldn't be more thankful for you. Also, you're such an amazing writer and such a funny person. You've helped me though so much (though, you many not know it), but you have. My nickname 'Katy cat', is possibly the best thing anyone has ever called me in my whole life, I love it. I love you, Ciara deer <3, happy new year!

whatthefringe Nora my Dora (what did I just do), you are SUCH AN AMAZING WRITER OK BYE! You have such a great, funny, cute personality and I love it so much. You were my first friend on here, I couldn't be more thankful for you and your a amazing personality! You are my favorite character on Deaf Kid because I can do whatever I want with you, and it's so much fun making you a little sarcastic bitch. You're super funny and sweet and an amazing writer <3
Happy new year, Nora my Dora !!!

1-800-TROYE Abby!!! you were the first person to comment on Deaf Kid and tell me you actually enjoyed it. You've been so sweet ever since and I love talking to you because you have such a great heart suajajaj. You're such A GOOD WRITER K, it's insane i don't know you're great and I love you.! + you like a lot of the things I like and it makes everything 10x better. We should really start talking more because I want to and you're nice.
Happy 2016, Abby! I love you <3

getrepherenced AMY!! i don't know you that well, but you seem so nice and funny. You're a really good writer and I love that creativeness you put into your stories. We've talked some and you seem really freakin' awesome and you should totally talk to me more, because, I'm amazing. I love you, Amy
2016 is here, happy new year, gave a great night/day/morning/afternoon/ evening


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