things that are not okay to do

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1. make fun of mental illness - don't do this. don't ever do this. it is not okay. it's not funny. don't do it.

2. be rude to someone because of their sexual orientation - no. not okay. this is not okay. not fucking okay.

3. judge someone's self harm scars - this seriously isn't okay. please don't make someone ashamed of their scars. please don't.

4. judge someone by the clothes they wear - if someone wants to wear knee high socks and a dress with sneakers, they fucking can! that's okay. if they are comfortable, let them be comfortable.

5. call someone fat - no. not okay. not fucking okay.

6. ignore someone - this is a very rude thing to do. if someone text you, answer the danm message. it's different if you're ignoring a fuckboy, but if you're ignoring someone who actually cares about you and you are friend with, don't ignore them. don't randomly ignore someone for no reason. not fucking okay.

7. judge someone by the things they like - if someone likes to sit out home and read books, that's okay. if someone wants to finger paint all day because they like it, that's okay. it's okay to like something.

8. judge someone by what kind of phone they have - i see this all the time. like, oMg2!2! THAT PERSON HAS AN IPHONE 5 INSTEAD OF THE IPHONE 6s ROSE GOLD2!!2 LETS MAKE FUN OF THEM HAHAHAH. like, wtf?? why should we judge someone because of their phone??

9. kill someone - well, you know, it's kind of mean to just kill someone, so don't do it

10. give someone pro self harm or pro ana tips - WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU DO THIS LIKE HONESTLY ?? if you see someone struggling with anorexia and you just fucking decide to give them some tips on how to be sicker, you're a terrible person. and i get it, we all slip sometimes, but try your best. especially if you are struggling with it, you don't want someone to feel like you do. DONT TELL SOMEONE HOW TO CUT DEEPER. someone told me how to do this (thanks, you made my life a living hell) it's not okay. the person will take your advice and do it.

11. bully someone - DONT FUCKING BULLY PEOPLE. you can't just call someone names, you can't just make a human being feel like shit. that's not okay.


idk why i did this

but don't do these things thanks


as always,

katy cat

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