Chapter 4 -- Deathly Unexpected. [Part 1]

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"...Ugh... Wouldn't want to be that guy...."

"...Why are you still here talking to me?" Sharp blue eyes glared dangerously at the other blond who had an arm around the Norwegian man's shoulders. This was stupid.. he wanted nothing to do with this idiot. Said idiot in question who just pouted at him before grinning and seeming entirely unrelenting in his grip on the smaller blond whatsoever, causing him to shove at the other irritably. "Come ooooon, Norge. Lighten up. I need someone here after what happened..." A huff and that was the straw in which Norway finally shoved the taller nation away from him.

"'s not my fault you decided to choose that guy to govern your country and then punish him when he didn't do things right, idiot anko."

That earned a bit of a confused blink before Denmark moved to look back over a shoulder and then back to Norway with what could have been better described as a shit-eating grin. "What? Ikke, that wasn't something I had a hand in but I think the guy deserved it!"

"His remains are displayed on spikes in copenhagen."

"...uh.. still not anything I had control over!" He proclaimed loudly and patted Norway on the shoulder, earning a bit of a scowl from the nation in question. This was promptly followed by a hand brushing off Denmark's and turning and starting away from him wordlessly; he had better things to do than stand around and talk with this guy. Denmark seemed too in denial of the things that went on here, and he was too loud so really... he wanted nothing to do with him right now if he was going to be useless. Perhaps visiting Iceland would be acceptable, as it would be a better way to spend time and he preferred to stay with him then stick around Denmark as he knew that on top of being useless, the man was going to give him a headache.

"N-Norge, come back! I haven't shown you the other side of--"

"Not interested."

With that said, Norway disappeared from sight and Denmark was left alone, staring at the spot where the other nation had been before shaking his head and turning on his heel to head down the street, humming softly to himself an old tune from his country; though he was a bit tone-deaf so of course if anyone would have been around, it would have been incredibly hard to tell just what it was he was humming at all. "...Dunno what was up with him... oh well! I'll have to visit him later I guess." He shrugged his shoulders and headed on his way, aimlessly walking around on his own as he really wasn't in the mood to go back to his house yet. It was halfway between messy and well-kept but it suited him and he laughed at anyone who thought it was anything but perfect.

It was the end of april and the snow had only recently melted away, making the weather tolerable as the scenery started to flourish within the country.

Leaving Denmark in quite a good mood, unbothered by Norway's sour attitude towards him - he'd lighten up someday, right? - earlier on in the day. Perhaps that was why he eventually had made his way into Copenhagen, blue eyes roving around the scenery and the people as he passed them by, raising a hand and waving at them cheerfully. Sure, others said he was loud, boisterous and a bit obnoxious but that didn't mean they really knew him. He was a good guy... he just had better ideas than most of them; it wasn't like he could help that.

"Sir Kohler!!"

The voice startled him, making him blink a bit in surprise as a hand flicked to  the battle-axe he had strapped to his hip. Not as big as the one he carried normally but it did the job. His alarm dropped a tic when a soldier from the nearby castle guard approached him, proving it to be him that had called out to him earlier, only serving to make Denmark raise an eyebrow in curiosity before he grinned. "ja? hvad er det?" His voice was thick with that Danish accent, making the young soldier hesitate a little before he continued, but using English with that odd hint of German instead. "...We have a problem! Struense and Brandt's remains are gone, sir! Her majesty is very distressed! There's thought it could be an enemy attack...!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2013 ⏰

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