Wrong Turn Turns Out Right (Ch. 15)

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     I knew the moment InuYasha glared at Naraku that he was still in love with Kikyo. All I want is for him to be happy... and if that means giving him up, then so be it. At least my captor wasn't some horrible looking monster. With long black hair, red eyes, and a rather muscular body, the only thing I could complain about, aside from him being totally psycho/evil, were the retractable tentacles coming out of his body... that's just gross! We end up in some castle in what I'd imagine to be the main foyer. He drops me to the ground and I land on my feet, looking around. He chuckles and I stand up.

     "You truly are an interesting one." I shrug and cross my arms over my chest. InuYasha probably doesn't even notice I'm gone. He's probably too happy with Kikyo.

      "Whatever. So, what are you planning to do to me?" I start walking in a circle around him. "Torture me? Make me your slave? Make me beg for mercy or for InuYasha to come save me? Cause, if that's the case, you've got another thing coming, buddy." He chuckles, a spine chilling laugh, and goosebumps run down my arms.

     "Now, why would I do that? I want you to feel welcome here. After all... you are going to help me find the Jewel and rule this world." I stare at him confused. I find my voice, finally, and ask,

     "What jewel?" He looks at me smirking, no doubt to the fact that I hadn't told him flat out no.

     "The Shikon No Tama; it can grant any wish to whoever holds it. You're going to help me find it and I shall wish this entire world to be mine." I stare at him in shock. He wants to rule InuYasha's world? I shake my head.

     "No. I'm not having any part in this. Go ahead and kill me. It's not like I have anyone to go home to." I mutter the last part under my breath, but know he heard me. He chuckles and walks over. When I don't move he twists a finger around a strand of my hair. I turn my head, making him drop it. He lowers his hand and just watches me.

     "Even after everything he's done to you, you remain faithful. Loyal. Caring. Why?" I grind my teeth together. It's Sesshomaru's world too, he's supposed to take over the Western lands after he graduates. My arms drop to my sides and I shake my head. "Well, I can assure you you'll be treated properly around here." He runs his hand through my hair as he walks around me. I pull back and stare at him.

     "What makes you think I'm sticking around?" I ask him. He looks at me, puzzled, before I hit him and run. I feel his eyes on me as I run to the door. I turn around once to find him missing, and nearly collide with him.

     "That wasn't a smart thing to do." I glare at him as he escorts me to my room. "You may come out when you have a better attitude." He turns around and locks the door. I walk over to the bed, lay down, face in a pillow, and scream out all the frustration and anger and sorrow I'd been holding in all these years. I screamed about my parents, school, the law suit, InuYasha, Kikyo...

     Does he even miss me? Regret letting me leave? Probably not.

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