Shoe shopping

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The following chain of events started on one evening when Sherlock wanted to lend a pair of Joan's high heels. That specific pair he finally got his hands on, was quite expensive and thus one of Joan's favorites. Joan should have understood something would happen to them when he had asked for them in a first place.

"Watson, I need a pair of your high heels", Sherlock had said as he walked past the red cabriole sofa Joan was lying on.

"Yeah, yeah..." Joan had said and immersed herself back to the book she had had on her lap.


Of course, Joan never got her shoes back, at least not unharmed. Sherlock had dropped the right shoe into a bowl of acid. He had been just about to drop the left one too, when Joan had come to the room.

"You ruined my shoes!" she had screamed and snatched the untouched shoe from his hand.

"Watson, I..." Sherlock had tried to explain but to no avail.

"How dare you!" she had continued to scream and then she had thrown the left shoe straight at his head.

"I'll buy you a new pair. I give my word for it", Sherlock had promised.


After the argument Joan had been patching up a scratch caused by the flying shoe, from his forehead, while Sherlock had been sitting on the table in front of her.


On the next day Sherlock and Joan went together to buy Joan a new pair of shoes.

"What do you like these?" Sherlock said and pointed at a pair of high heels.

"No, the heel has to be higher", Joan said eyeing around the boutique.

"Okay, I have been following you since ten a.m. which makes three hours and fifty-seven minutes to this moment", Sherlock whined looking at his watch.

"You promised me a new pair of shoes", Joan said taking a shoe in her hand and putting it back on the shelf.

"Yes, I promise to buy you a new pair of shoes. I promised to pay for them to be specific. But I didn't promise to follow you around for four hours", Sherlock said and huffed. "Watson?"

"Okay, fine. You go to sit on that bench over there", Joan said pointing at a bench where a woman was just tying her shoe laces. "While I'll go to check a shelf over there. I think I saw some lovely Manolos."

As Joan rushed behind the shelves, Sherlock sat down on the bench. He picked his cell phone out of his pocket and started scrolling his unread emails.


As Joan was looking at the shoes on the shelves she felt someone poking her shoulder.

She turned around and was greeted by a bright smiled and a hug.

"Joanie, it's so good to see you. How are you?" Joan's former high school class mate, Kimberly greeted.

"I'm fine, I guess", Joan said looking at the woman in front of her a bit confused.

The Kimberly who Joan remembered was a vicious and cruel. She had been the most popular girl back in high school. There had been practically two options. Either you were admiring her or you were afraid of her. Kimberly had decided to hate Joan. She hadn't really cared about it but Kimberly had tried many times to make her life miserable.

"This is so... wow, I mean, it has been a long time", Kimberly said laying her hand on Joan's shoulder. "And you're so much more beautiful nowadays."

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