"Well it seems that young Jeremy wishes to turn into a vampire and our dear sister asks of us to be there. You do remember the promise we all made correct?" I ask him.

"Yes I do. I'll be there." He sighs.

"Splendid." I say sipping my drink.

"Niklaus, I will be bringing someone with me." Elijah says.

I spit my drink up a bit and ask "What?"

He sighs and says "I've found her and she wishes the same thing as Jeremy does."

"We can do them together brother." I say gently knowing he'd never wish this life on someone he loves.

"I don't want her to do it just because of me though." As he says this I can hear the guilt in his voice.

"What is her name?" I ask.

"Mckenzie, Mckenzie Davis." He says love struck.

"Elijah, come home." I say.


"Caroline." I call out walking into her house. "We've been summoned." I then hear the sound of someone vomiting in the bathroom. "Caroline." I call rushing to the bathroom. As I open the door I'm greeted with the sight of Caroline vomiting in the toilet. I quickly rush to her and pull her hair out of her face. After she's done I softly pull her into my chest and stroke her hair as she cries.

"Vampires don't vomit do they?" She asks.

"No." I sniff. "They don't vomit unless something is wrong." I say sternly. She sobs a bit more and I pull her closer and smooth her down. "We'll get Bonnie to figure out what's wrong, don't worry sweetheart." I calm her.

*Elijah's POV*

"Mckenzie." I call out after hanging up on my brother.

"Yes love." She says coming out from the kitchen and over to me.

"We've been asked to go to Mystic Falls." I tell her.

She looks up at me wide eyed. "By your family?"

"Yes." I tell her.

"Oh no. They're gonna hate me Elijah! I've only known you for like two weeks and I'm already ready to turn into a vampire for you, your family's going to think I'm desperate." She says pacing around.

"Mckenzie you don't need to turn into a vampire for me." I tell her gently.

She freezes in her tracks and turns to look at me. "That's not what I meant. You know that." She says walking over to me and cupping my face with her hand "You know I love you. Once I met you I had this feeling of safety and love. Elijah I've never felt that before. I'm ready to leave." She tells me looking me dead in the eye.

"But Mckenzie, this is your home." I tell her.

"No it's not. My home is wherever you are, and I know that seems crazy but it's true. Because you are my soul mate and with soul mates nothing's impossible." She tells me.

"I love you." I tell her.

She giggles and says "I love you too." Before leaning in and capturing my lips with hers.

We may have just met but it feels as if I've known her forever.

*Kol's POV*

After Bonnie settled down and told me about her mom leaving we ended up watching some tv. As I check my text message from Nik i can tell that our tv time will be cut short. "Bonnie, Nik needs your help. Something's wrong with Caroline."

*Bonnie's POV*

As we walk into the mansion's living room I see Caroline passed out on the couch and Klaus sitting beside her holding her hand. "What happened?" I ask rushing to her side.

"I went to her house to tell her about Jeremy and found her vomiting. When she was finished I brought her here and she crashed out. She was too tired." He tells me while stroking her hair.

"Ok, I'll run some tests to see what's happening." I tell him reassuringly. "Now what's happening with Jeremy?" I ask.

"He's decided to transition into a vampire. He and Mel are out at Matts right now getting him and Rebekah so we can all be here as a family to witness it. Elijah and his soulmate Mckenzie are on their way now." Klaus fills me in.

"Wow a lot has happened." I say.


"Unbelievable." I mutter to myself as I figure out what's wrong with Caroline.

"What? What's wrong?" Klaus asks worried.

"How is this even possible?" I ask myself not bothering to answer Klaus.

"What? What's possible?" Klaus asks again.

"She's..." I pause not knowing how to put it. "She's pregnant. But how? I didn't even know you guys did it." I say looking over at him.

"That's not possible." Klaus says with his eyes wide and looking at the ground.

"Yes it is. Nik, listen." Kol says coming beside me and wrapping his arm around my waist.

*Nik's POV*

"-listen." I listen carefully and hear not only Bonnie's heartbeat, but two more that seem to be coming from Caroline's stomach.

"Unbelievable." I mutter with tears in my eyes.

"Looks like you're going to be a father." Kol says smiling like an idiot form beside Bonnie.

"I'm going to be a father." I whisper with tears spilling out of my eyes as I move to Caroline's side and put my hand on her stomach.

"Hmm." Caroline mumbles waking up a bit. "Nik." She whispers.

"Shh, I'm right here Caroline." I gently tell her, stroking her hair. "I'll always be right here." I tell her placing my other hand on her stomach where my children are.

"Nik what's wrong with me?" Caroline asks opening her eyes.

"Nothing's wrong at all my love. You're pregnant." I tell her smiling again with tears in my eyes.

"What? But-but that's not possible. I'm a vampire." She says sitting up.

"It is. I did some tests to find out if it was true and they've all came back positive. You're pregnant." Bonnie says smiling.

"Listen sweetheart." Kol adds.

"Unbelievable." Caroline whispers. She looks up at me with tears in her eyes. "I'm gonna be a mom." She laughs and starts to cry a bit. "I'm gonna be a mom." She smiles and crashes into my arms hugging me tight.

"Yes love. We're going to be parents." I whisper.

A/N: Merry late Christmas and happy New Years!🎉🎉🎉

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