Chapter 7

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*Melanie is the girl in the picture*

Chapter 7

Jeremy's POV

After watching Mel walk away, I turn around and go inside. Of course Elena has to follow me. I mean I like my sister and all but I can't help but think everything is her fault. If she didn't get drunk and call my parents to pick her up then they'd still be alive right now, Jenna and uncle John would also still be alive. She just gets on my nerves sometimes and right now she's on them. She just ruined my first real interaction with my love, my soul mate.

"Jer, who was she?" She asks.

I'm pretty sure Mel wants me to meet Klaus first before I tell my sister she's an original and all because she'll probably keep me from Melanie, or try to. So instead I say "She's the girl I'm going to date soon, but before we can do anything she wants me to meet her brother because he's her father model."

"Oh, and how do you know she's not supernatural?" She asks all snotty.

"You know what Elena. The supernatural follow you around, not me. So stop asking me ridicules questions. Good night." I snap at her and walk up stairs to go to bed.


*Melanie's POV*

I wake up early and get dressed in some nice clothes. Jeremy's only seen me in the same clothes with the same hair style and might I add I died in those 20 years ago, so they were quiet out of fashion. I straighten my blonde hair and it goes down to the small of my back. I then put on my light blue skinny jeans, and frilly green top. I top it off with black heels so I can be a bit taller and won't have to look up at Jeremy so much. I'm only 5'3, Jer is much taller then me.

I hear Rebekah scream from down stairs "Melanie hurry up we need to go!"

So I grab my bag and run down the stairs and walk out the door, while saying "Coming Bekah?"


After going to the office and compelling them to give me a schedule, I go to home room which is history. I knock on the door and what do you know, theirs Alaric . The dude who Nik was in the first time he got here a few months ago.

"Hey, I'm a new student in your class." I smile at him.

He smiles back and tells me to go sit beside Jeremy. Ya not a surprise that I have homeroom with Jer, I compelled the secretary to give me the same schedule as him.

"Hey Jer." I say to him after I've sat down.

He smiles at me like the Cheshire Cat and says "Hey Mel, I didn't know you were coming to school."

"I didn't either until last night, Nik sprung it on me." I chuckle at the end and so does he.


After school, Jer was nice enough to show me where my locker was and surprise surprise it's right beside his.

We're now on our way to my house to meet Nik. I'm shaking so much because of my nerves.

"Melanie calm down." Jeremy laughs and touches my knee and I swoon like a teenager falling in love for the first time.

"It's just you two mean a lot to me and I don't know what I'd do if you guys didn't like each other." I confess to him.

He smiles at me and grabs my hand. "I'll be nice to him and try to get along. I don't know what he'll do but I'll be nice to him on my half." He tells me.

"What if he says something about your sister?" I ask nervously.

"We're not on the best of terms right now." He says.

"What why?" I asks confused, this is the first time I'm hearing about it.

"She's just, she keeps getting everyone in trouble. If she didn't get drunk then our parents wouldn't have died. Jenna and John would be alive, Caroline wouldn't be a vampire. So many things wouldn't have happen." He says sadly.

"Hey Jer. You know I don't like your sister, but I do like you and let me tell you, it's not fun fighting with the only family you have left, I've tried. Jer just, just try to be nice and work it out cuz it sucks when you fight with your sibling." I say sadly.

"I know it's just hard." I reach over and squeeze his knee for comfort.

"On to less depressing subjects, whatever you do while talking to Nik don't bring up Michael." I say seriously.

"Don't worry love, I won't." He says in a fake British accent.

"Ya, ok whatever dude." I say in a fake American voice but failing at it badly. Jeremy just starts laughing at me because he knows I suck at this.

We finally reach the house and my nerves are all over the place.

A/N sorry I'm really bad at fight scenes. Also sorry I didn't update last week, I've been at my cottage.

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