3. Basketballs, baby daddies and BOOM

Comenzar desde el principio

Then she threw it up.

[Present day]

Jay and I walked over to my lovely volkswagen Cleo and leaned on it while waiting for Ana to appear.

Uncomfortable silence fills the atmosphere with a hint of what is that... Oh yeah mmm backstab.

"How can you not tell me?! I thought we were best friends, soulmates,"

I held her hand, "Sisters."

Tears filled her eyes for the first time because Jay never cried ever. Not when her mum died. Not when her dad went to jail. Not when her brother decided to go off the rails. Never. Until now.

"Peaches, I love you like a sister but I thought you would like be ashamed of me." She shook her head.

"Babe, after all the stupid rumors of me, I thought you would be ashamed of me."
She laughs. Yayyyyy
I hug her tightly before screaming.

"Did I squish it- I mean h-him or herrr??" She chuckles and shakes her head in the disbelief that her friend could be that stupid.

Erm have you met me?!

Ana walks up to us and realises that something went on. We pile in the car and fill Ana with Mr Mcdrama occupied by Mrs Tears.

After the emotionally draining ride, I head on home after dropping the girls off.

I get out and lock my car, enter the passcode for my phone ( because that thing is my life) and do the eye scan for the door to open.

Dad as a police officer thinks that someone is going to come after him. Like please I am pretty sure that the 75 year old lady will not break into our house just because you gave her a parking ticket.

I'm kidding, Grannie, wherever you are.

I do my homework, making sure to keep my above average grades up and text speedily until I fall asleep.

Buzz. Buzz. Buzz. Buzz.
"Uchhhhhhh" I groan and see Desha's name.
I do an 180 in my bed at the sight of her name.
She never calls me.....
I pick it up with my trembling voice, " H-h-hello?"

"Hello, sis, please come and get me, I feel weird like someone is following me. I am at Brad's house party,i texted you the details, I think. Hel-"

The phone call ends and I magically appear cruising violently down the street.
To be honest, my elder sister is in basic words;

Undercover slut.
I don't mind if she wants to have a boyfriend but not to the point that the only birthday present she would ever get is a STD-


My thoughts are interrupted by a honking car with flashing headlights.

Life stops. I breathe heavily and with every sharp intake of air, my heart pumps from the speed of the Fast and Furious to the nice pace of Tom and Jerry. I am fine.

I continue to race my car down the highway and curve into a residential street to reach a mansion with red cups as bricks and vomiting teenagers as the walls of the grand home. Trap Queen by Fetty Wap boomed through the house and lured probably hundreds of intoxicated teenagers to the dance floor to grind, whine and twerk.

Parties aren't my scene so I guess it explains my need to barf while I'm here. Probably the weed smell. Definitely the weed smell.

"Brianna, help me!!!!!!!"

I hear someone call my name and as I crank my neck to the direction of the upper right of the maison towards the stairs, Desha is being dragged into a room by a bunch of guys.

I freeze for a moment and then start running towards the stairs and look down the hallway. With each step, i hold a phone I could call 911 but instead I ignore its existence and walk alone.

A couple were devouring each other faces and another "couple" were in a different position. Just think about that image. I am completely ruined.

I slowly open the door that echoes my sister's cries, my brain bangs the shell of my skull to try and relieve the shaking of fear from my nerves.

I open.
I see.
My sister being forced to strip in bed.

I scream,"STOP, Leave. Her alone!!"

They all harshly throw Desha down and with that she escapes behind me.
I gape at these guys; there are four of them. Two were white , one was black and one was mixraced. They all wore black and had an open sipper as if they were going to-
Oh my gosh, my sister was about to be violated. Or is she?

A deep dark voice approaches me,"Well look what we have here boys, a double treat."
They chuckle. Looks like they want me to join the violating party(!)

Why. I am going to die aren't I. But i am so young. I am not the slut. Take her. (Seriously Brianna, now is not the time)

"No. That is not going to happen." I say confidently and I push Desha out the door and I stroll behind her-
Wait. No I don't.

"Hey come here!" He pulls my lion mane, letting Desha cry for help for me but no one responds.

They tug at my clothing, leave me bare and lie on top of me, rocking back and forth, I scream of pain, fear, weakness.....
They! They were so heavy. I saved my sister but I had not saved myself.

The black one released a drunken breath as he whispered in my ear,"don't worry, you might even enj-"

I let out out an ear-splitting scream.
BOOM. Gunshot.


Yep boom goes the dynamite if I do say so myself. I am really loving how this book is going to evolve and how you guys are reading it. I adore you people.

I will be doing a following spree so tell your friends about this book and if anyone with amazing skills (we all have those) to do a cover for this book, please do it. That would be amazeballs.

Teaser: Who fired the shot?

Password: Superhero.

Please tell your friends.

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