Chapter One: New Years Eve

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Maya was sitting at the Bay Window beside Riley, listening to her go on about the New Years party that her family was throwing tonight.

Though she'd been quiet, a part of her hadn't actually been listening to a word of what Riley was saying. She was off in her own world, lost in her thoughts. Suddenly she felt a hand on her shoulder, shaking her gently.

"Hello... Earth to Maya?" Riley said looking at her.

Maya quickly snapped back to reality looking at Riley. "What?" She asked.

"You haven't been listening to a word I've said, have you?" Riley said looking at Maya with a slight frown.

"What? No.. Of course I have. I'm always listening" Maya said quickly in her defense.

"Oh really?" Riley asked tilting her head and looking at Maya with a skeptical look. "What did I just say then?"

"Something about being excited to be spending New Years with everyone, but nervous about having to see Huckleberry." Maya said without hesitation.

Riley bit her inner cheek, her face reddening slightly. "Lucky Guess" she mumbled.

A smirk spread across the blonde girls face as she looked at her best friend. Of course she'd known what she had been saying. All Riley had been talking about the last few weeks was this party. When she wasn't busy avoiding Lucas, she was going off on Maya for procrastinating on her New Years resolution. Maya looked at her best friend and smiled a little, She was thankful to have Riley. The past few months hadn't been easy for either girl, but they were always there when  one needed the other. 

"Are you going to tell Lucas the truth?" The Blonde asked looking Over at the doe eyed brunette.

Riley shrugged slightly. "I don't know." She said quietly. "I've been avoiding him lately.."

Maya frowned slightly. She knew that was true. A pang of guilt hit her knowing it was partly her fault. Once it had come out that she liked Lucas, Riley had immediately stepped back. Dismissing any of the feelings she had for him, and saying they didn't exist except for a sibling kind of love.
She had wanted Maya to feel whatever she had been feeling, without anything holding her back.

Once Maya and Lucas started to Date, it didn't sit well with either one of them. They were stiff and awkward around one another, to the point of sitting in silence. Maya had missed their old love hate relationship. It wasn't till one day that it hit her, that yes she cared for Lucas, but it wasn't in a romantic kind of way. More of in a best friend kind of way. Lucas was there when she needed him, and she was their to bring him down a few notches when needed. They had both agreed that that was what they where, and we're happy with the resolution.

Even though Maya had resolved that problem, there was a whole other problem she had noticed. While she and Lucas had tried dating, she began to notice Riley growing more distant. Though Riley tried to hide it, others may have bought in to it, but not Farkle, he could see through the act. He had spoken to Riley, but she had sworn him to secrecy. Maya had begun to pick up on the little exchanges, noticing the change in Riley's behavior. She had asked Farkle about it, the nice way at first, but upon losing patience resorted to her usual tactics. Farkle had made it clear that he couldn't tell Maya, because he had promised Riley, however did tell her what she had already feared. Something was bothering Riley, it had been for quite a while, and she should ask her about it herself.

And Maya did just that. She already had speculations about what was troubling her best friend, but she wanted to hear it from Riley. After things with her and Lucas, were done she decided to confront Riley.

Short first chapter. I hope you all enjoyed it. I'd love to hear what you all think..
Next part coming really soon!

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