Chapter 9: BABY SHOWER TIME!!! (Part 1) (Dustin)

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*Can't believe she's already 8 months pregnant!!*

I wake up, because I can feel the sun shining, so I get up open the curtains and see Diesel licking Shanell's arm. "Guess it's time to get up." she said laughing and petting Diesel. The boys, especially Diesel have become very clingy and protective of their momma. She can't go anywhere or do anything without them monitoring. "Yes it is, you need to eat and I'm taking you to get pampered before the baby shower." I say kissing her forehead  and helping her out of bed. I go downstairs let the dogs out , brush my teeth , wash my face, and fix my hair in the downstairs bathroom, and let my mom and brothers in. As I'm cooking breakfast for everyone, I heard Shanell walking around upstairs and talking. I sit down, talk to my brothers and mom, and wait for my Goddess to come down. As we're sitting on the couch Shanell walks, well waddle down the stairs I look up at her and smile.

 "Good Morning everyone." Shanell said smiling. "Good Morning Shanell and Baby Breeding." everyone said hugging her. I get up and help her down the stairs and onto the couch, then brings her cooked breakfast and apple juice. She eat and that's when baby boy moves in her stomach. He loves food already. "Whoa did he just move across your stomach?!" Bryan asked startled. "Yes he did lol he has food in his belly." she said laughing. "Did it hurt?" Kelly asked. "Not really tickles more than anything." she replied rubbing her belly. 

We finished eating and get ready to leave, and head to the spa. When we get there they immediately take us back and get us settled in. I go into the locker rook to change, then head to the sauna and massage rooms with my brothers. I felt so relaxed after the massage and sauna. We go get our manicures and pedicures (there's nothing gay about it so STFU). I search for Shanell, and find her sitting and talking with my mom. She looks so beautiful, and relaxed. Me and my brother start having guy talk. 

"So are you ready to be a dad!" Carnell says. "Yes I can't wait to meet our prince." "If yall need us for anything, just call and we'll be there." Pat said nudging me with his elbow. "Thanks guys and we will." I replied. We leave the spa and head back home where we wait for the make-up, hair, and clothing stylists to get there. Shanell sit on the couch and eat pineapples and whip cream (Didn't ask if I wanted any).  There's a knock on the door and the stylist teams walk in. They take Shanell and ma upstairs, to get ready for the baby shower. They take us into the guest bedroom, and start with our hair, picking our outfits to go with the nautical color scheme. I decide to go with a blue jacket, red and white tee, dark jeans, white sneakers. Me and my brothers walk out and see how good we look and get hype. We got ourselves together and walked downstairs to wait for the girls, so we chatted a little bit. We heard them walking down the stairs, so we turned around, and all I could do was look at her in awe.

 "Awe look at my boys, yall look so handsome." mom said kissing our cheeks. "Thank you and y'all look beautiful." we all replied. I walked over to my queen, kissed her hand, and rubbed her stomach. "With and without the makeup, you're the goddess I fell in love with. "Thank you baby." she replied kissing me. We took pictures and headed to the building for the shower.  I could tell she was kind of nervous because we didn't know what it would look like, we just knew the theme and colors. When we got there everyone was already inside and waiting. We walked in, and everyone started clapping shouting Congratulations. We hugged everyone and looked around at the beautiful decorations and I looked down and saw her smile and tear up. I walked over to my family hugged them and joked around with my little cousins. She went over to hug, and talk to her family. I'm so glad they could make it. We started the first round of games which consisted of: guess the belly size, baby food and apple juice challenge, baby bingo, and don't say BABY.  We then ate and danced to music. 

2 hours later we started the second round of games which were: get the baby out of the ice, change the doll, guess the mother and father's favorite things, and guess the baby's name. After we did that we opened gifts and we got so much stuff, as we were opening gifts I handed her a big box wrapped in baby shower paper, I could tell she was very curious what was in the box. She opened the box and there was a huge stuffed animal with the names Shanell, Dustin, and baby Breeding embroidered on it with his ultrasound picture, all she did was cry, so I wiped her tears.

 "Baby girl, from the minute I laid eyes on you I knew you were meant to be in the life and my future, I know that may sound corny but I don't care. I want to ask one question that I've been wanting to ask but wanted to wait for the right time." I got down on one knee and pulled out the ring. "Will you be my goddess forever?" "Yes baby I will." Shanell replied crying as I placed the ring on her finger. Everyone cheered, clapped, and cried. We danced some more and cut the cake. Omarion, the host of the shower, grabbed the mic and announced the winners of the games "Who's ready to find out the name of baby breeding?" O shouted on the mic. This man swears he's a game show host lol. He hands us the mic, and everyone waits patiently. "The name of baby breeding will be...Jayden." we both said. "I knew it. I chose that name!" Bryan shouted jumping up and down We all laughed, and shook our heads

We packed up, cleaned up, said our goodbyes, and headed home. When we got home we put everything in baby Jayden's room, took showers, ate leftovers, and headed to bed." I love you Dustin, Thank you for everything you have done so far." she said laying on my chest. "I love you too and no thank you for everything you are doing and giving me" I kissed her forehead and rubbed her belly. She laid on my chest and we went to sleep. I couldn't ask for a better woman in my life, but Shanell Nicole Grandberry.

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