Chapter 3: Closer than ever! (Dustin's POV)

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*3 years later* *Side Note: So its 3 years after the accident, and it has brought everyone closer together, but Dustin is dating someone and Shanell is too. They aren't liking it, but they don't know how to tell each other how they feel.*

I'm getting ready for a date and don't know what to wear so I call the one person who knows me best friend Shanell.
"Hey Shanell can you come to the house, I need help trying to figure out what to wear tonight." "Ugh okay I'm on my way!" she said rolling her eyes. She's lucky I'm busy tonight...

20 minutes later the door opens and she walks in.(yes she has a key to my house, and I have one to hers.) "I'm in the back hurry up, I got 3 hours!" I yelled. "Don't fucking rush me pretty boy." she yelled back. I flicked her off before she walked in. For the next 2 hours we spent in my closet trying to put together an outfit for my date tonight.

"Finally we're done." I said hugging her. "You are so light skin it's ridiculous. You're lucky I love you." she said walking out. "Love you too best friend." I laughed. She gives me the finger, and leaves the house. I got home from my date 30 minutes later, because the chick just wanted money. As I turned on the game to decompress, I get a FaceTime call from Shanell

"Okay how do I look?" she said showing off her outfit. I looked at the screen and damn. "You look good or whatever" I said rolling my eyes. "Fuck you, but no really how do I look?" she asked again. "You look stunning as always. Where are you going anyways?" I asked concerned. "If you must know I had a spontaneous date tonight." she said. Ever since her incident 3 years ago, I have still been on guard. "Thanks for your help though bestie. I have to go, he's at the door." "Okay have fun and be careful." We hung up the call. I HATE THIS SHIT!!!

What feels like hours go by and she hasn't called or text me yet. The flashbacks of that night come running back, and I check her location. As I'm doing that I get a text from one of my old flings asking if I wanted to go out. I told her yeah and chose the restaurant Shanell was at. Yeah I know creepy , but I gotta make sure she's okay without overstepping any boundaries. We get to the restaurant and I instantly spot her with some dark skinned guy. She doesn't look happy at all. Dinner was finally over and we headed out. Me and Shanell locked eyes and she signaled that she was okay. I smirked and walked out the door. I hopped shawty off,headed to the crib, changed clothes, and hopped on the game. An hour later I received a call from her:
"This date was a bust and he's so aggressive!" My blood started to boil. Here we go again. I go to grab my keys and call her immediately. Please not a repeat of 3 years ago.

From Childhood Friends to Always and Forever.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon