Chapter 1

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I rolled over in annoyance, due to the light streaming into my bedroom awakening me from my peaceful slumber.

Groggily looking at the clock I squinted to see it was a little past 7am.
Huffing out a breath of frustration, for not getting up earlier.

I stretched out my muscles, trying not to acknowledge the soreness that was persisting on making my body ache. Shoving those thoughts out of my head, I realized dad would be home today, though its only Sunday. If I'm lucky he may go to church to work out some of his sermons for tonight.

Creeping out of bed I made the start of my day with a fresh shower. Dad always requested that I looked clean and well put together because, how you look is everything to him, Which is a vital role in his work with him being a pastor. He expected me to neat and clean while following God's word.

The bathrooms temperature is cooler than my room. I shivered, usually the bathroom is much warmer. Looking around in confusion I noticed the bathroom window open. Well that's odd.
With a quick swift push, the window closed with ease.
Shrugging out of my clothes I let them gently fall around my feet. I glanced unknowingly at the mirror, only to turn away in disgust.

When I looked at myself in the mirror, it felt like looking at a stranger, I don't feel like me anymore. Taking a deep breath turning my head slowly I forced myself to take in my appearance. Blue eyes stared back at me looking sad and lost. Black hair lands short around my body resembling a black curtain.
My hips looked wide compared to my twigs of arms.

Looking deep in the mirror, I searched for some resemblance of mother. But all I had was her porcelain skin. Not even an ounce of her beauty. I turned away from the mirror, discriminating against myself will change nothing.

Suppressing a shiver, I carefully stepped into the small shower. The cool knobs reached my hands and the warm embrace of water hit me with a comforting sensation.

Finishing up with my satisfying shower, I began to go on autopilot as I dried my body. Throwing my towel on the floor next to my old clothes, I slid into undergarments and grabbed my clothes that I already have ready.

I slowly tiptoed down the stairs, my feet carefully took each step caustically making sure the cold floor was beneath them.

It was probably 8:00 by now and Dad would be up soon. I needed to prepare his breakfast before he awoke.

The only source of light that filled the house was the little rays of sunlight, that peeked through the curtains, making it a small challenge to see. Opening the rest of the curtains to add some life to our house, I began to make Dad's breakfast.
Breakfast was actually better than I thought it would go. Dad was for some reason actually polite.

As of now I was finishing up the dishes from this morning's breakfast. After drying the last of the plates I could faintly hear Dad's heavy footsteps bearing down the stairs.

Dad's voice bounced loudly off the walls making me cringe at the pure authority it carried.

"Yes Dad?"

"I'll be going out to the church today to work on my sermon for tonight, and I will be expecting all of your chores completed before I arrive home."
"Yes sir."
I kept my head down knowing better than to make eye contact with him. "Uh- Dad?" I asked just as he turned away from me. "What?" He asked harshly. "I think I will need a little money for"
He eyed me suspiciously, before giving a Curt nod and reaching in his wallet.

"Thank you." Was I could reply. He only grunted in response. "Oh Athena, hide that disgusting bruise on your face, we do have a name to keep."
Looking disgusted with me, Dad slammed the front door shut making his point.

I let out a sigh of relief. After quickly grabbing the money off the counter where Dad had left it, I headed upstairs for a thick coat.

Winter was here and it was almost a hour walk into town, I really should go ahead now. Oh, I had almost forgotten to hide my bruise. It wasn't anything serious Dad just couldn't control his temper last night and was safe than sorry to cover up the small damage.
Swooping into the bathroom, that was somehow still chilly, I reached under the sink to pull out my hidden bottle of foundation.
The ivory color almost was a match to my skin tone, but it was close enough.
I gently pushed the pump on the small bottle on my hand. Applying a little on my right cheek, I cringe at how my sensitive and painful a little touch was.
Surveying my face, the make up looked natural and hide the damaged that was done last night.

Slipping on my coat, I grabbed some old shoes that would hopefully do its job of keeping me warm. Dad doesn't want me shopping for clothes very much. But he always made sure I looked "modest."
Walking out of my room, I grabbed the railing of the stairs and made sure everything was in its right place before I headed outside.
The cold air hit me like a ton of bricks, chilling right to the bone. "Dear lord, its cold." I muttered under my breath. Suppressing a shiver, I pulled my jacket tighter to my body trying to absorb as much warmth as I could.

Bouncing down the porch, I took in my surroundings. Which was really just woods. Dad wanted us to far away from everyone as he could get.
I'll admit, its pretty nice during the day but, by night its creepy. I honestly can't stand it. The wind blew hard, making bite my lip out of the cold.

Pushing myself forward it would be nice to get my mind off how cold it was.


Maybe if I had some extra time, I could take some time to go to the library. Of course Dad couldn't know, he has certain rules I have to follow.
He manages everything I do, I could probably hide the books under my jacket. Dad surely wouldn't find them there. I could eve- my thoughts were interrupted as the faint sound of a speeding car coming from behind me.
Hopefully it's just someone driving carelessly down the road.
The music was heavily beating out of the car, making me want to cringe at the horrible language.
"Hey Jesus freak! Here is some holy water!" Shouted the passenger of the car. Before I could register what happened, cool icy water slammed into me, making the cold unbearable.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2022 ⏰

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