Mikasa x Female Reader New Years Kiss

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~(y/n)'s P.O.V.~
Today was the day before the new year. Some people are excited and others are nervous. Reiner has been going off for the past hour how he and Bertholdt are throwing a party for anyone who wants to come. Reiner even asked me if I could come just so he could kiss me. I told him I'd probably come but not for that reason. He teases me about kissing other people like Eren or Connie sometimes Krista also. He only does it because he knows I like Mikasa. Yep, I am in love with one of the strongest people in the scouting legion. Of course she doesn't like me that way, because she is interested in Eren. Even if she didn't like Eren she probably still wouldn't be interested in me. I never really knew her for the longest time but once we met I felt like we became real close. With my feelings towards her I've tried to tell her, only to get interrupted by Eren or Armin.
So here I am sitting at the table eating my soggy oatmeal, listening to people talk about tonight's party.
"Hey are you guys going to Reiner's party tonight?" Armin asked.
"Hell yeah! Who wouldn't want to go to a party?" Eren said.
"Mikasa?" Armin asked her.
"I'm not sure yet. Maybe." She said and then grabbed her trash walking away from the table.
"Are you going (y/n)?" Eren asked me.
"Yeah, I'll be there. Not like I have anything better to do."
"Sweet!" Eren said as he did a punching motion with his hand.
I laughed slightly at his reaction and then went to throw my trash away too.
After breakfast everyone went off to do their own thing. As for me I decided to go work out for a bit. Once I walked into the weight room I noticed Mikasa in there at the bench press.
'Omg why does she have to be here? I should probably leave before-'
"Hey (y/n)!" Mikasa said.
"Uh h-hey."
"What are you doing here?" She asked wiping some sweat off her face with a towel.
"Uh I came to work out for a bit but I see you're using it right now so I'll go to the library."
"You don't have to leave. I just got done with the bench if you want to use that."
"No I'm fine... I-I'll just grab the weights over there." I said, awkwardly walking away. I quickly take off my jacket and get a weight off the rack.
Mikasa then walks over to the bar on the wall and starts to do squats. The thing is that the bar is right in front of me. After a few minutes I noticed she was still doing squats. Since I was distracted I lost my grip on the weight and dropped it. Right onto my foot.
I let out a yell of pain and take the weight off my foot. Mikasa apparently saw everything and rushed over to me.
"Are you alright?"
"Yeah I'm fine." I said through deep breaths.
"Do you need any help?"
"No I'll be alright. I'm going to head back to my room so I'll see you later." I said before limping out of the room as fast as I can. Once I got to my room I seen a sleeping Sasha on my bed. I rolled my eyes and looked for the first aid kit in the bathroom. I found the bandages and quickly fixed up my foot. It wasn't broken but it was damn near.
I walked back into the room to see Sasha looking through my clothes.
"Whatcha doing there?"
"Just looking to see what you should wear to the party tonight." She replied.
"Why are you picking my outfit out?"
"Because a certain someone is going to be there."
"Oh yeah? Like who?"
"3 syllables. Mi-ka-sa."
"How do you know if she is going to be there?"
"I overheard a conversation earlier this morning. A little Bertie (hehe get it? No? Alright) told her that you would be at the party and so she just couldn't refuse."
"Sasha I think you had too many potatoes this morning." I said.
"Fine don't believe me. But you will later."
"Yeah okay." I then walk into the bathroom again and get into the shower. Even if she isn't going to be there I still want to look nice. Once I was out of the shower I went to go put on the clothes I put out but were gone. On my bed was a nice dress. I walked over to my bed and read the note that was there as well.

I found this and thought you might like it. Please wear it tonight!

'Well since I don't really have time to plan another outfit, I guess I'll wear this.' I thought to myself as I slipped on the dress. It actually fit pretty nicely so I admired myself in the mirror for a minute. I quickly fixed my makeup and headed out the door.
I got to the party and pretty much everyone was there. It was so crowded that we had to move the party to the mess hall. I'm surprised that there were even alcoholic beverages there as well. I wasn't much for those kind of drinks but since it was a party I had only ones that were offered which was only a few. Seconds turned into minutes and minutes turned into an hour. I would run into some of my friends here and there. They would ask about the party or compliment my dress. I finally bumped into Reiner and he was happy see me.
"Well where have you been all night?" He asked.
"Oh you know here and there."
"Really? I like the dress by the way."
"Thanks. Where did you find it?"
"What do you mean?"
"Aren't you the one who gave me the dress?"
"No I was setting up the party all afternoon."
"Oh alright. I-i'll talk to you later then."
"Alright. I'll see you later." I walked around the room looking for Sasha but couldn't find her. I would occasionally ask someone if they seen her, but to no avail.
The time was almost midnight now and still no sign of Sasha.
Reiner found me right as the timer counted down.

"Ready for that kiss?"
"Fuck it. I have nothing better to do."
"Pucker up then sweetheart."
Reiner then starts to lean in and so do I but at a very slow pace.
'Why doesn't he get it over with?'
I then felt really warm, soft lips against my own.
Happy New Year!
I heard people around me shout.
I then felt the lips slowly disappear from mine and I open my eyes, only to be shocked.
"Happy New Year (y/n)." Mikasa said. I couldn't even speak. I stood there staring off into space when Reiner spoke up.
"Guess you surprised her too much."
"Wait you planned this?" I asked her.
"Maybe." She replied. She then kissed me again and this time I wrapped my arms around her neck, pulling her closer to me. Once we separated I gazed into her eyes.
"Best New Years ever."

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