"Crystal clear." I said.

"Well great hopefully I'll get to. Anyways what have you been up too?" He asked.

"Same old, same old." I said. "What's up with you and William?" I asked.

And from the giggle I heard through the phone I could also tell he was blushing.

"Well I think we had a date today? I don't know. We were texting and I told him how I'd never been out in the rain because I thought I'd get sick. So he said that we should have some fun. So we met up at the cafe and we just had some soup before leaving out. We jumped in puddles and just played in the rain. I learned so much about him yeah? I really liked hanging out with him. I just wanted to kiss him." He said and I smiled for him.

"Why didn't you?" I asked him.

"We met a week ago... But you're right he brung out the dare in me. I did kiss him." Marcel said.

"Really? How was it?" I asked.

"It was really nice. His lips were warm against mines but his lip rings gave me a chilling feeling. But I loved it." He said.

"Oh Marce. How did he react?" I asked him.

"He looked at me with wide eyes. But then he smiled and said 'I didn't know you had it in you.'" He said.

"And I said 'It takes the right person to bring it out. You know?' I said and smiled. Then he bit his lip." Marcel said.

"Marcy where did that even come from?" I asked.

"I don't know. But I do like the guy. He's nice and he looks like the complete opposite and that's attractive. A tough softie." Marcel said and giggled.

"I'm so happy for you Marcel." I said.

"Thanks. But how's Niall?" He asked and I sighed.

"I yelled at him. I told him and then yelled at him for it. Today. And he hasn't text me or called me back. I feel bad. It was too much." I said.

"Don't feel bad. There is always hope. He might call when he has everything sorted out by tomorrow or next week. And if not when you get home you can fix things. It's not the end of things Zayn. You should have a clear mind and a hopeful heart." He said.

"You're right. I should have a positive view on this. Except I want me and him to be okay you know?" I said.

"Yeah I do. And you will. Don't stress it." He said.

"Thanks Marcel, but I'll go. Try to do something productive today." I said.

"Alright! Bye Zayn. Love ya." Marcel said and I smiled shaking my head.

"Love you to Marce." I said and hung up.

I got up and went to the shower. When the water came on I waited till it warmed up before climbing in. When it was warm enough I stood there in the water and let the water run down my head and body.

As the water would turn cold I would turn the hot water up. I didn't know how long I was in there but when I got out I just put on a black tee-shirt and some grey sweatpants.

I went downstairs with my phone and sat on the couch. I watched tv for a little while and my dad came in closing his umbrella.

"Hey Zayn." He said.

"Hey dad." I said.

"You want to see something cool?" He asked me.

Have nothing better to do.

"Sure." I said.

He cleared off the table and went in his bag spreading a big blueprint of a house he was doing. He was a architect and from the buildings he's said he's built they're nice including this one I'm living in at the moment.

"I could explain-" he said but I rushed to talk

"I know how to read blueprint." I said and I looked over all the beautiful slanted lines and the perfect curves.

"This is cool. This is an observatory?" I asked him.

"This is LA. It's a spa. I'm actually doing this as a request." He said.

"A celebrity?" I asked and he shook his head.

"More like a wealthy investor." He said.

"Well are you furnishing it or?" I asked.

"I actually don't know yet. Do you think I should?" He asked me.

"Me! I shouldn't intervene in what you do for the house you're building." I said.

"Your mother has told me that you've wanted to become a architecture before." He said.

"Well I was younger. I'm too lazy now." I said.

"I challenge you to design a floor plan for a two story house. You've been seeming down lately and hopefully it'll help you take your mind off of whatever's getting you down." He said.

"I guess. I have nothing else to do." I said.

"If it's good enough I'll buy it from you and give you 40% of the earnings." He said and my eyes widened.

I was more into the project now than ever. "Who is the house for?" I asked.

"No one. It's the type you rent out." He said.

"Okay I need you to take me to a art supply store." I said and he smiled.

"Go change into something more rain appropriate." He said and I got up and went up stairs.

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