Chapter 1

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Hello, my name is Evelyn Heart. I live in Cincinnati Ohio. I swear I have the biggest ego in Ohio. Well, that's Dean Ambrose. I live in an orphanage. I'm also 11. I'm a lone wolf. People never notice me so I wander the streets. Pretty dangerous, people with knives the stalkers the harassers. I know how to fight. I'm the best. Well Dean Ambrose is the best. In the orphanage, we only get three meals a day, no toys, no nothing. But I swindell my way into the tv room every Friday and Monday. For WWE of course. Otherwise there is no point in life. Dean Ambrose, Roman Reigns, Seth Rollins. Aka the Shield. Aka the best people on earth. aka my heros. People say it's a small world. Then why do I never see Dean Ambrose going for a jog, or walking?

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