Baby Shower

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Zhan'e POV

August decided to throw me a baby shower. I'm now eight months pregnant. I am fucking huge! I found out I'm pregnant with twins and they are both girls. I told August it wasn't going to be a boy.

Anyway, I was standing beside August wearing a green dress that of course showed cleavage. I had some a gold chain necklace and a big gold ring. My hair was bone straight and I had my makeup on. I was wearing some black and green flats.

August tall ass was wearing a black hoodie and some tru religion jeans. For some reason he always wore shades everywhere. I don't know why, it's just something he lived to do. He had on some black jordans.

My mom, his mom, Trey, Chris, Shanari, his nieces, his sister in law, my brother, and some of my coworkers were all at the baby shower.

"My behbeh is eight months. She having twin girls. My lil princesses is in thea." He said rubbing my enormous belly. "They kicking!" He cheered.

"Oh my god! Let me feel." My mom cooed.

She gently rubbed my belly and the babies kicked. I felt happy tears slide down my cheeks. This was a magical moment. My family and friends could spend time with me and my soon to be born babies and my man.

"I'm bout ta have some mo grand chillins. I'm so happy." Aug's mom said as tears of her own slid down her cheeks.

"It's some sandwiches, vegetable trays, and fruit trays in the kitchen. The wine, water, and soda is in the dining room." I said sitting down.

August and Shanari planned the whole thing. Those two are so sweet. They have been at my beck and call since I was four months pregnant. Shanari and Trey are not together. He wasn't showing her enough attention and they argued way too much during the relationship so they ended things. She decided to become a model and now has her own clothing line and I'm her business partner in that. We have been making thousands. I love it.

"These some good sandwiches. What meet did you use?" August mom asked me.

"Roast beef and smoked Turkey." I said as I ate some mangos and strawberries.

The babies love fruit and dairy. I don't know why, but they can't get enough. I rubbed my belly as August walked over to me with a big smile in his face and his hand in his pocket. I hope he ain't finna play no prank on me. He almost made me go into labor a week ago because he took a fake roach out his pocket and chased me with it.

Instead, he surprised us all and got on one knee. He pulled out a small black box from his pocket. He opened the box to show a beautiful diamond ring. My eyes bugged out.

"I love you so much Zhan'e. I need you in my life and I want us to be a family. Will you marry me?" He asked.

"Yes! I love you! Yes I'll marry you!" I cheered.

He helped me stand up and kissed me and then kissed my belly. He had just given me the best day of my life. I know I had found true love with this man. He treated me like a queen and did everything for me. I wanted to give him everything he could dream of in a wife. He had given me everything I could ream of in...well... a human being.

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