Confession, It Sets Me Free (Sish)

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TW: snowed in au, Trans Male Character, Disabled Character, autistic characters, Alternate Universe - College/University, Fluff, slowly falling in love

Chapter One: He/Him Pronouns

Ross waves off the last car as it pulls away from the university gates. He waits for the little car to disappear round the nearest corner before he pulls his sleeves over his palms and sips his still-too-hot coffee. He pulls his ushanka over his curly black hair as the snow starts falling at a heavier pace, making him begrudgingly trudge over to the nearest building, the library.

He stomps the snow off his boots before gazing around, spotting one smaller person sitting alone at the furthest table in the room. He recognises the person from his music studies class, and slowly approaches, fiddling with his medical bracelet as the lights flicker before shutting off completely.

"Fuck," Ross says, shuddering as the heat in the room slowly disappears and leaves the smaller man shuddering at the table.

"How deep is the snow?" The brunet asks, Ross quickly noticing his cane perched up against the table before gulping.

"About ten centimeters so far, probably twenty at most," Ross replies, wincing when the man sighs sadly and sits back down. "I- My room is really close, if its easier for you."

"I don't know you," He says, pushing his books into his bag before tugging on his coat.

"I'm DJ Max, mostly called Ross- He/him pronouns- I'm in your music class?" Ross says, sipping his coffee before passing it over to the other man. "Keep you warm while we walk back?"

"You sure?" The man asks, to which Ross nods happily and hovers beside him while he grabs his cane. "I'm Trottimus Aralieus, Trott for short. Uh, he and him, too."

"Back to mine then, Trott?" Ross asks, Trott laughing quietly and nodding, putting a beanie on and drinking the coffee as they walk together.

Trott grips Ross' arm as they push through the snow, smiling weakly in thanks and Ross holds him steady. Trott winces as the cold starts affecting his knee, digging his nails into Ross' jacket as he starts to slow down. Ross frowns as the snow begins to fall faster, panicking as Trott hisses through his teeth and quickly scooping the smaller man into his arms.

"Ross, set me down!" Trott shouts, batting at Ross' body as the taller man quickly jogs back to the dorm rooms with Trott in his arms. "For fucks sake, I can walk! Put me down!"

Ross lets the smaller man find his feet when he reaches the tall grey building, Trott's shoulders reaching his ears as he turns on Ross.

"What the fuck is wrong with you? You can't just grab people- disabled or otherwise- and carry them around!" To which Ross backs up against the wall and holds his hands up in defense.

"I'm really sorry, mate, I'm sorry, please stop shouting. I shouldn't've done it," Ross whispers, Trott stepping backwards when he sees Ross shaking. Trott rests his hand against Ross' arm, and smiles softly.

"I'm sorry for shouting, Ross," Trott says, quietly, "I won't do it again," Trott holds Ross' arm and flicks his head towards the hallway. "Lead the way, mate."

Chapter Two: Two Sugars, Please

Ross nods and gulps, reading the numbers down to 612, before pulling his keys out of his pocket and unlocking the door with trembling hands. Trott lets him lead the way into the cramped room, Ross pushing his books and clothes out of the way so Trott can sit on the bed.

"I have a gas stove and a wind-up battery radio if the power stays out for ages," Ross says quietly, clearing his throat. "I'll get some blankets and make tea, bundle your coat up and put it along the bottom of the door."

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