Chapter 3 ~ And Then There Were Two

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A/n: Above is Optimus' Holoform. I don't own the picture.


As they all began conversing Ironhide decided to keep looking around. When he checked back at the tree he noticed the leaves shaking and swaying. He looked up as a leaft fell and became curious.

He kicked the tree as hard as he could and watched as something fall out. He caught it before it hit the ground.

Or rather caught someone.

"Hello tall, dark, and sexy. Fancy seeing you here."

End Recap


Wolfie's POV

September 3, 2008

I was currently being held bridal style by the familiar man from last night.

"Hello tall, dark, and sexy. Fancy seeing you here." I purred out.

He growled at the sight of me and narrowed his eyes.

"You." He growled out.

I barked out a laugh and looked up at him before smirking mischievously.

"Me." I stated confidently as I met his eyes. They were the perfect electric blue. You could just get lost in them, which I was currently doing now.

He scowled at me before letting go. Too bad for him that I landed on my feet.

"Gotta be faster than that Ron." I told him as he grunted and pinned my arms to my sides...again. "Real mature."

I looked up and met seven pairs of electric blue eyes two of which were brown.

"Who's she?" one of the --I'm assuming twins-- spoke. He was about 6"2, had blonde hair, a plain red shirt, red plaid jacket, black jeans, and red converse.

"Ooh who are your friends Ron." I purred out seductively. Ron growled at me before answering the blonde's question.

"Funny you should ask. She still hasn't mentioned a thing about herself." Ron replied while adding more pressure to my arms.

I grunted out as he squeezed to hard and glanced at him. He was smirking at me. Jackass.

"Now now Ron, is this for choking you last night?" I asked out innocently.

"I wanna know why your after my family." William replied in a serious tone. I raised my head to look at him and smiled.

"Ah William Lennox, I see you got my letter. Though I will inform you that I'm not after you or your family." I responded.

"Then why are you here." Epps responded. I smiled at him to which he returned with a glare.

"Nice to see you too Robert Epps." He gaped at me with wide eyes as I chuckled at his expression.

"How in the hell..." He trailed off. "Do I know your name?" I finished.

I smiled before responding. "Quite simply really." I shrugged.

"Care ta enlighten us lil' lady." an man asked. He was about 6", black hair, a white shirt, black jeans, white sneakers, a black and white hat, and headphones.

"I'll have you know I'm taller than most females my age, thank you. And as for your question..." I trailed off. "I'll let you figure it out."

I smiled as they let out dissaproving groans. "You know, it's quite entertaining to watch you all get so frustrated." I commented but grit my teeth as Ron tightened his grip even more.

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