Conversation #7: Angela and Amnesia

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Conversation #7: Angela and Amnesia

Angela: Great to see you again.

Me: Hate to see you again.

Angela: Again? When was the last time?

Me: Two minutes ago!

Angela: I should have remembered that

Me: Yes you have amnesia!

Angela: Oh right.


(*Just to tell you I am NOT making fun of people with amnesia, it's just for the joke purpose only and I don't intend to be mean to anyone you know or you that has amnesia*)

Well now we know where all those stupid comments come from! And why she changes the subject! Because her attention span is like thirty seconds long! Sorry this one was short but I have lots more conversations for you guys!

Thanks for reading please VOTE, COMMENT AND SHARE! Thanks a bunch! ~ horsebackgirl

Say What Now?: The Wacky Conversations Of Angela the CatDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora