Conversation #5: Liar, Liar, Angela's a - Never mind

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Conversation #5: Liar, Liar, Angela's a - Never mind

Angela: Some people have a weird way with words. They don't always mean what they say. It's like lying all the time. Want to explore this odd attitude?

Me: I guess. So this conversation is a lie?

Angela: Most cultures seem to twist words to mean things they don't.

Me: Are you lying right now?

Angela: I usually tell the truth.

Me: But are you lying now?

Angela: Do I seem like it?

Me: Yes.

Angela: I don't mean occasional lies like "I love your dress" when I don't, I mean constant lies.

Me: Do you constantly lie?

Angela: From time to time.

Me: Why?

Angela: I just love being friends with you Duchess, it's like we're family. Never mind why. French shop keepers do that all the time. If you ask for a certain item sometimes they say "non" or no.

Me: Why?

Angela: The truth is inconvenient.


So kids! It looks like Angela has taught us some important lessons today! Lesson #1: Constant lies are also occasional lies. Lesson #2: The truth is inconvenient. So get out there and lie, lie, LIE! Jk, don't! It will get you in trouble and you will feel guilty!

Thanks for reading please VOTE, COMMENT AND SHARE! Thanks a bunch! ~ horsebackgirl

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