Stumbleberry Finkbat

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Isabella POV

We ran into the theater just in time. All of the extensive trailers and advertisements had finished, and the first scene was just opening.

The theater was packed with teens eagerly waiting to see the new release, and normally, we would have no chance of finding a place to sit together. Luckily, I had two seats reserved just for us. I glanced at the ticket stubs to find where are seats were located.

"Our seats are G7 and G8," I told Phineas, and he (still holding my hand) led me up the stairs until he found row G. I spotted Ginger and Milly sitting several rows up, but decided to ignore them to have a better chance of romance with Phineas. I wasn't trying to be a bad friend or troop leader, it was just that this oppotunity came, on average, less than once a year. I figured I would make it up to them later.

To get to our seats, we had to make our way through the crowded aisle. As we maneuvered around the people, I couldnt't help but envy the many couples I saw snuggled up against each other. It was possible that that could happen with Phineas and me, but even after the popcorn incident, that scenario was highly unlikely.

After we finally reached our seats, we situated ourselves in them and I realized that there was a problem with my view of the movie screen. A very tall man was sitting in the seat in front of me, and even though my seat was higher than his, I was still unable to see the majority of the screen. I stretched and fidgeted in my seat to get a better view, to no avail. I could have sworn this man was related to Candace; his neck was as long as Ferb's head.

I first thought about moving to another seat, but quickly threw it out. If I moved, I wouldn't get to sit next to Phineas and would defeat the whole purpose of going to the movies.

I then had a brilliant idea (or at least I thought it was brilliant): I could watch Phineas watch the movie! I was quite excited about this plan until I realized that Phineas might think that it would be strange if I was staring at him for two hours straight. I unwillingly pushed the idea aside and pondered some more on what to do.

I then got my best idea yet.

"Phineas," I whispered, slightly blushing. "I can't see the screen at all because of the tall guy in front of us. D-do you think I could scoot over next to you so I can see?" I already knew the answer but I waited for his response anyways.

"Sure Isabella!" he exclaimed a little too loudly, and somebody behind us shushed him. "I mean, sure, that's fine," he whispered back, and he moved the armrest between our seats back up and out of the way.

I smiled and thanked him, then moved right up against him. I don't think he expected me to be this close, because he stiffened when my arm and leg pressed up against his, but he soon relaxed and began to watch the movie again.

Now that I could finally see the movie, I realized I had already missed the first scene. I didn't understand what was going on: they were in some sort of medievel village during the winter, and a bunch of people and creatures were having a fight about something. The movie quickly began boring me, and I wondered why I even picked Stumbleberry Finkbat to go to in the first place. Then I remembered, I only picked it because Phineas might like it.

I decided that now was yet another time to try to show my affection to Phineas. I was already confused and kind of bored, so I might as well try. It probably wouldn't work, but oh well.

Phineas POV

Man, Stubleberry Finkbat was so cool! I was totally engrossed in the movie while I watched all the villagers and wizards battling giant man-eating bats. I didn't realize until now how intense the series actually was, it was pretty similar to the Lord of the Rings. I was so glad that Isabella invited me to go the movies with her, because this movie was awesome.

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