You Babysit his Younger Sister

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Niall: Just another day watching over little Alyssa Horan while her parents are out. What you didn't get was why Niall, Alyssa's older brother, never helped. He was in the same grade as you, but he didn't even acknowledge his sister even though she trys so hard to get his attention. It's horrible, and the fact that he is so nice to everyone at school, you would think he would give his sister the time of day. He doesn't even tell his friends that he has a little sister until they go over his house. Today, you had enough. When Niall came home tonight, he walked in the door nodded to you and started to head upstairs. "Niall! Niall! Niall! Look what I made at school today!" Alyssa said excitedly running after her brother upstairs. All you hear is a door slamming shut and Alyssa crying. You rushed upstairs. "Aww baby, Are you okay?" You said trying to calm her down. She nodded her head no. "Why don't you go pick out a book for you to read to me? Yea?" She got up quickly and rushed over to her little library. That should buy you time. "Niall! Open up it's just me!" I said knocking on the door. He opened the door with his shirt off, "Yeah babe?" You shook your head to concentrate on what you were doing in the first place. "What's your problem?"

A/n: I had to make Niall an imaginary sister... Seems Legit

Harry: "Gemma you want to make a puzzle?" You asked Gemma. She nodded her head and ran off to get a puzzle. Gemma was the young girl you babysitted for almost every week ever since she was practically born. She also had an older brother, Harry, who was a year older than you, but was constantly busy with all the things at school he is in, so he didn't come home till late. Harry was completely and utterly gorgeous and you couldn't help being madly in love with him, since you guys were neighbors since birth... He is just so sweet and caring out of school and it just makes butterflies flutter in your stomach. As you and Gemma started the barbie puzzle she picked out, you heard loud laughter coming from outside the front door and you saw Gemma starting to get scared. "Gemma go in the kitchen, and hide in the pantry," you tell her quiet, but stern. She follows your instuctions and rushes into the kitchen. You go into the closet and grab Harry's old baseball bat and make your way over to the door. You open the door and can't believe your eyes.

A/n pt. 2- I know Gemma is Harry's older sister, but I switched it up a bit hah Xx

Liam: Youwere walking down to the Payne household to watch two girls named Ruth and Nicola. Just strolling down in the comforting fall weather, you suddenly feel strong arms grab you from behind. You scream and start kicking like a crazy lunitic. "Relax (y/n), it's just me," Liam Payne said showing great sympathy. "Oh thank goodness! You gave me a heart attack Leeyum!" You practically shout back. "I'm sorry... Want to walk to my house together since your watching my lil sissys?" Liam said trying to make you forgive him. "Of coarse! You are like my bestie!" You tell him laughing. "Gurlllll, we will be besties for like eva!" He says back in a valley girl accent causing you to go into a laughing frenzy. Liam has been your best friend ever since you moved to the U.K. from America and it was kind of ironic that you babysit his lil sisters. You finally get to the corner of his street and you see Liam start to tense up. "What's wrong Leeyum?" You asked concerned. "I need to tell you something (y/n)," Liam said flatly.

A/n: Yes I know they are both older than him.... Just changing it up...

Zayn: You have been babysitting Zayn Malik's, the most amazing artist in school's, little sisters,Waliyha and Safaa, for about 3 years and you have enjoyed every minute of it. Not just were the two girls the sweetest girls you have ever met, but every time you babysat you got to hang out with Zayn. You didn't really know why Mr. and Mrs. Malik hired you when they can have Zayn babysit for free, but you didn't mind since you and Zayn have been getting real close. For the past two days, you guys have been getting real close... Like you guys almost kissed, but of coarse it never happened because you aren't the luckiest person around... Tonight was like any other night. Waliyha, Safaa, Zayn, and you were all sitting on the couch, while the girls watched a movie, you and Zayn just talked and were having a great time... But then the door-bell rang. "I'll get it," Zayn said smoothly. He walked to the door, opened it, and just simply walked outside. You didn't put much thought into it and just continued the movie... "Ring!Ring!" The phone was going off. You walked over to the phone, "Hello, Malik Residence. May I ask who's calling?" You said politely. "Hey (Y/n)! It's me Patricia! Can I speak to Zayn?!" "Oh a yea! One sec..." With little thought, you opened the door, "Zayn, your mom is on the ph-"

A/n: I know he has an older sister too, son't get your panties in a twist now.

Louis: Louis's mom, Jay, was a very sweet and wonderful lady. Her mom and your mom have been friends for a long time and because of that, you and Louis have seen eachother... alot... When you're around him you always fake how you feel about him... Pretending you hate him, so he doesn't find out how much you really love him. Jay had recently got a new job, so you agreed to help her with Louis's younger sisters; Charlotte, Félicité, and twins Daisy and Phoebe because Louis can't handle all of them on his own. Today is the fourth day in the row to help with the girls, but you really didn't mind all the firls were sweethearts, but on the other hand some of the stuff Louis says, is pretty upsetting. It was Friday night tonight so you just planned on sleeping over... You put all the girls to bed and made your way downstairs. "Thanks for the help Jackass," You say sacastically to Louis. "No problem Bitch," He says back not even looking at me... You were done. You couldn't handle your feelings anymore. You started hysterically crying... Louis turns around and looks at you; his eyes started to grow wide. "(y/n)?"

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