"Let's go for a run. Let lose our wolves and forget about the problems for now." Ethan suggested. My wolf instantly howled in agreement. When everybody agreed we headed out of the pack house. I went behind a tree while the guys changed right in front of each other. They were used to being naked. I striped and put my clothes in the bush. I changed and welcomed my wolf feeling good to let her take over for a while. Walking out from behind the tree I saw five huge wolves in front of me.

Liam had jet black fur with white paws. He was bigger than the rest because of alpha blood flowing in him. Nate's fur was dirty blond with a little red in it. He was beautiful and also huge because of beta power. Kevin was silver grey and he had a small black triangle shaped patch on his forehead. Tyler was reddish brown which glowed in the sun. Ethan was absolutely blond and he looked stunning. I walked to Liam and nudged him in the shoulder, as I took in his sweet smell. I then licked his muzzle and went to all of them and licked them lovingly. They just stood still and let me do it. I was considerably big so I was the same height as them except Liam and Nate were a little taller.

"So let's go. Hailey, ladies first." Liam teased. I gave him a wolfish grin and took off into the forest. I was faster then them so I had a good head start. The wind passed me and tickled my fur. I felt alive and free. This feeling was total bliss. I took a breath and smelt the earth, the wet grass, and the flowers and smiled. Suddenly a black wolf nipped me at my hind legs. Hmm wonder when he caught up. I looked at Liam with challenging eyes. Understanding me he increased his speed and so did I.

I ran like there was no tomorrow. Liam was right on my tail and being Alpha he never gave up a challenge. Mentally laughing I kept a steady pace. "Baby, accept that I'm faster." I said to him through the mind link. He grunted, "Never, you are going to lose sweetheart." I chuckled at him, "In your dreams lover boy."

"Oi guys slow down. You left us behind." Ethan yelled frustrated. "Liam just give in to her. You know you can't out run her." Kevin joined in. I looked behind and saw Liam slow down. He accepted his defeat. I knew he was irritated because his alpha wolf couldn't take it. I turned and walked up to him. "Baby I know it's hard for you to give up. I love you so much." I rested my head on his shoulder. He licked my head and gave out a wolf sigh. "You know me so well Hailey. I love you more." We stayed like that till the rest caught up with us. Tyler head butted Liam on his side and playfully nipped his legs.

Liam tackled him down and playfully growled at him. "OOoooo I'm so scared. Mr. Alpha let me go." He teased. Getting off him Liam came and stood near me, our bodies touching. I held back a moan. He was such a tease. We ran for a little while keeping a slow pace and just enjoyed like the good old days. Kevin and Ethan as usual were at each others throat. It felt good to stretch my muscles and let out my wolf. She was happy and I could feel it. We ended up at the little pond and sat down touching each other and keeping ourselves warm.

All of us were enjoying the beautiful morning. I wished this moment would never end. Since the threat to my life and the pack the atmosphere had been filled with tension. None of us had let loose and had fun. But now as I looked at each of them I felt that it would all be better. Ethan and Tyler were debating if Miranda, a she-wolf from the pack was hot or not. Nate and Kevin were in some serious argument involving who was stronger and Liam was looking at me with love filled eyes as if I was the most precious thing to him. I leaned in and licked his muzzle and laid my head on his shoulder. I was really happy for the first time since last week.

But my happiness was short lived. "Alpha, Hailey there is someone here who claims to be related to you. She doesn't smell wolf and argues that you were expecting her." Xavier spoke through the mind link. I felt Liam tense up and the others noticed it to. "We'll be right there." He replied while looking at me as if asking if I was ready. I took in a deep breath and nodded.

"What's wrong?" Nate asked. "She is here." Liam said and all of them nodded in understanding. We retraced our way back to the pack house in silence each wondering what would happen next. I, on the other hand was excited and scared at the same time. Excited to learn about my power and scared of its outcome. I went behind the bush and changed into my clothes. The others meet me at the door and Liam squeezed my hand as we entered the door.

On the living room sofa sat a lady in her early thirties, with blonde hair and chocolate brown eyes. She stood up as soon as she saw me. She was around 5'5 and extremely beautiful. She had a strange smell and an aura of importance circled her. She smiled showing of her prefect white teeth and walked towards me. She had tears in her eyes as she looked at me. The next thing I was brought into a bone crushing hug which left me breathless.

Liam tensed and reacted to my sudden discomfort but I shook my head at him and he reluctantly calmed down. The lady was crying as she continued to hug me. I gently soothed her by rubbing her back, mumbling gibberish in her ears. She pulled back and laughed,"Oh I had planned not to get emotional but looking at you just reminded me of your father. You must not know me but I am Esmeralda, your father's sister." I was overjoyed to know that I had a real aunt and she was right here. This time I hugged her as tears of joy escaped my eyes. "I have an aunt." She smiled and replied," And I just found out my long lost niece is fine and healthy."

"We'll leave you guys alone. You'll have a lot to catch up on. Just call if you need us." Liam said and left the room with the rest following him. That was kind of him to give us space when he was agitated to know the details of the current problems. I looked back at Esmeralda's face and took her hand in mind. "Let's go out and talk. We have a lot of catching up to do." She squeezed my hand and nodded as I led her out of the pack house. I was overwhelmed with the feeling that one of my family member was alive. All my thoughts of the war and Logan were forgotten and the will to know more about my family filled my mind as I led her back to the small pond in the forest.

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