Alternate Ending 2

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I blinked slowly, and watched in confusion as they quickly left the wand shop. "Whelp. It's just you and me again (Y/N)..." Neville murmured almost inaudibly. I nodded in agreement, and grinned up at him grabbing his wrist. "Let's go get some coffee."


Neville, and I walked back to the Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes laughing about some of our old school stories we remembered. One of my personal favorites was when the pixies got out of there cage, and they hung Neville up by his robe. I giggled at the thought of tiny Neville dangling there, and bumped into his chest suddenly. "Stay here for a second so I can see if they are ready for you (Y/N)." He explained leaving me alone in front of the shop. I looked up at the greying sky, and frowned softly at how well it mirrored my own inner feelings. -This would be a better birthday if I got to spend it with the man I fell in love with so many years ago...- I thought feeling tears well up in my eyes.

I quickly wiped the beads of liquid away when I felt a gentle hand on my shoulder. "You okay (Y/N)?" Neville asked concerned. I nodded, and turned to him forcing a grin onto my face. "Yea I just got lost in the memories." I explained slowly. He frowned softly, and I could tell he didn't believe me, but he dropped the subject anyway. "Well the lunatics are ready for you Birthday Girl." He said trying to brighten my mood. I nodded curtly, and took in a deep breath following him into the store trying to radiate as much happiness as I could muster. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY (Y/N)!" a chorus of people shouted in glee.

I gasped at how many of my old friends had showed up, and smiled brightly seeing Luna, Harry, Ginny, George, Ron, Hermione, Percy, and so many more of my old friends. I was even a little surprised to see Blaise smiling at me from the second story of the prank emporium. "Guys..." I mumbled feeling tears once again threaten to spill. I bit them back as best as I could, and giggled as Mrs. Weasley brought a (F/F) cake up to me. She set it on one of the many tables, and she smiled sweetly at me. "Well go on (Y/N). Make a wish." Mr Weasley erged. I closed my eyes gently thinking of what I wanted most, and finally made my wish before blowing out the single candle. I opened my eyes slowly, and everyone stared at me intently as if expecting me to change into something spectacular. "Well? What did you wish for (Y/N)?" George asked.

I gave him my 'are you for real?' look and shook my head slowly. "I can't tell you that!" I hissed in response. He pouted in a very childish way, and I gasped seeing Harry, and Ron push a rather large box from behind the center piece. Everyone moved aside to watch the spectacle, and I couldn't help but feel a little self-conscious. "This gift is from all of us... It's kind of the only thing we got you..." Ron explained sheepishly. I giggled softly, and hugged him pecking his cheek in a very sisterly way. "The fact that you are all here is gift enough for me, Ronald." I explained to the male. "(Y/N)? As touching as that is you should really open that box." Blaise warned holding back his laughter.

I rolled my eyes at him, and examined the beautifully wrapped box that was now resting in front of me. It was wrapped in Royal blue paper, with a bright blood red ribbon on either side, and a golden bow to top it off. "Wait... Slytherin is missing..." I murmured recognizing the house colors. I reached for the top, and started to peel the paper off kind of scared to see what it was hiding. Everyone seemed to bounce with excitement as I pulled the top off, and I couldn't help the scream that escaped my lips. "Holy shit!" I yelped in shock. I stared wide eyed at the gift lying inside, and my heart was pounding a million miles a minute. "D-Draco?!" I asked looking for confirmation.

His curled form looked up at me with half-lidded crystal blue eyes. His pale skin was a rose red color, and he was dressed in black jeans, and a white button-up shirt with the top two buttons undone. To top it all off he was tied up in a poison green ribbon, with a bow the same color tapped over his lips. He groaned softly into the bow, and I giggled softly helping him from the box as best I could, and released him from his binds. "Draco..." I murmured softly. "Thanks..." he murmured back glaring daggers over at Blaise. "You tricked me!" he hissed angrily. "You weren't moving from your spot!" Blaise defended.

Draco sighed softly, and finally looked me in the eyes causing my face to flush. I wasn't supposed to talk to him again... Let alone be happy that he was here. I had made that promise to myself so many years ago, but he was here... Right in front of me, in the flesh. -Don't fall for it (Y/N)! He betrayed you! Broke your heart! Left you for the DEATH EATERS!- I reminded myself repeatedly. I didn't care what he had done... At this moment all I cared about was the fact that he was right here, and my wish had actually come true. "(Y/N)?" George questioned worry laced into his words. I shook my head clearing my thoughts, and saw everyone's concerned expressions trained on me. "Are you alright?" Draco asked. A deep frown was etched on his face, and I only managed to nod slowly while tears finally streamed down my cheeks.

I was sad, angry, happy, confused, and completely caught up in the moment. "I'm just... Happy to see you..." I murmured. The idea felt wrong... But it felt right... I shook my head, and wrapped my arms around his neck tightly kissing his lips suddenly. His eyes were wide with surprise, but as soon as his eyes closed mine followed suit, and we just kissed for what felt like hours... Until he pulled away from me, and laid his forehead against mine carefully. "Time for my gift I guess..." he murmured.

I looked around the space confused, and turned back to him to ask what he meant, but he was down... On a knee... "(Y/F/N) (Y/L/N)? I know traditionally you date someone you like for a while first, but the fact of the matter is I'm in love with you. I regretted my decision every single day after leaving you, and I know for a fact that no one will ever fill my heart the way you do... So not only am I asking for your forgiveness, but I'm asking you to make me the happiest and the luckiest man alive... By allowing me your hand in marriage." he explained pulling a small ring from his pocket.

More tears cascaded down my face, and although my better judgment was screaming at me to reject him I just couldn't. I lunged myself at him tackling him into a tight, loving embrace. "Yes Draco! A thousand times yes!" I squealed in delight. He slid the ring onto my finger once I finally pulled away, and gave me a chaste kiss on my lips. "Happy Birthday... Lioness."  

Lioness (Draco Malfoy X Reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant