Chapter 8

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I spun around to see none other than Draco Malfoy. How nice.

I shrugged, turning to look out the window. He took that as an invitation to come in and sit. I stared out the window for a few minutes, thinking about a bunch of random-ass things that were irrelevant to everything. I could hear Draco breathing and tapping on the seat. He was obviously looking for some entertainment by coming in here, and I was providing him none. After a few more minutes, I felt someone sit in the spot next to me. I turned to see Draco.

"Is there a reason for your silence?" he asked me, raising an eyebrow in curiosity. I shrugged.

"Maybe I just don't want to talk," I said. It almost sounded like I was snapping at him, so he chuckled.

"Calm down, I was just asking you a simple question. No need to get all defensive."

"I was just giving you a simple answer." I turned back to the window, watching the land zip past us. After a while, Draco began to speak again.

"So, is there a real reason?" I spun back to him, shaking my head.

"There isn't a real reason. My reason is I don't want to talk and screw anything else up." Draco sort of sniggered.

"What have you screwed up, (L/N)?"

"Nothing." He raised an eyebrow, glancing down at my right wrist. My left hand, I noticed, was nervously messing with the charm bracelet. Damn, I cannot lie. "Fine, it is something. But what makes you think I'm going to tell you?"

"You seem stressed. I'm sure you want to tell someone."

"But not you." I looked out the window once more and sighed. "I feel like I'm losing my strength. I'm just getting weaker, and weaker as time goes by, and I hate it. I hate feeling like this-" Draco laughed. It wasn't a laugh because he was amused or anything, it was a dry laugh.

"I know what you mean. That drained feeling, it isn't the best thing,-"

"-And I don't feel like I'm really in control of my life, anymore. I feel like my life is controlled by my emotions which are based on the people around me. I don't want to be controlled by my emotions, I want to be controlled by me."

"It sucks to not be in control," he whispered, looking down to his feet.

"Doesn't it?" I liked this moment, this moment of understanding we had, just between the two of us. It was nice.

Draco and I kept talking for a while, just ranting about life and stuff. We seemed to actually be connected. He didn't seem to care that I was Muggle born or anything. We were acting sort of like.... dare I say friends.

And then it was all ruined when Blaise came into the compartment.

"Draco, I've been looking all over the damn train for you! Come on, we've all been waiting for ages." He looked from me to Draco, noting how we were sitting next to each other, and how we weren't at each other's throats.

"I'll be right there."

"You can't tell me you actually want to stay here with the Mudblood."

"I don't, I just-"

"Just what, Draco? I'm going back to our regular spot. If you aren't there, that proves what side you've chosen." Blaise walked out of the compartment, and Draco looked over at me.

"I'm leaving. Bye, Lioness." He stood up to leave, and I watched him walk away.

And I know I should have been thinking about more important things at the moment, like life and such, or I should have been worrying if Draco will tell anyone about what I told him, but I wasn't. I was thinking something so stupid, so idiotic, so cliche that I almost couldn't believe those thoughts were actually going through my mind.

All I could think about was that he had called me Lioness. He hadn't called me Lioness since before break.

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