Chapter 18

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"Just because you found out you're a half-blood doesn't exactly mean we get to like you, Mudblood," Pansy told me as we were sitting in the carriage, on our way to the castle. I shrugged.

"I never said I wanted you to like me."

"It'd definitely be different if you were a Pureblood, but you're still filthy as ever." I laughed, shaking my head at that.

"Whoa. Hold on. Do you have something against half-bloods now? Because Blaise's mom is such a whore, he doesn't have any idea what the hell he is." Blaise's face grew hard, and Pansy paled.

"No, that's.. Blaise, that isn't what I meant..." She stumbled with her words, and I grinned.

"You just don't like me." I glanced over at Draco, who was now having a conversation with Blaise, before turning back to look at Pansy. "I get it. Snakes are territorial? I never would have known." The rest of the carriage ride passed quickly, Pansy shooting me death-glares the whole time. We walked to the Great Hall in silence, the Slytherin Crew walking off toward their table while I headed to the Gryffindor table. I slid into a seat by Neville and Ginny.

Ginny wouldn't look me in the eye.

"Hello, you two. It's great to see you again." Neville, unlike Ginny, looked genuinely excited to see me.

"(N/N)! Where have you been? Ginny's been worried sick, haven't you, Ginny?" Ginny managed a small nod, a fake smile, and a quiet, "I sure have." Neville continued babbling on about how distraught everyone was and how different school was and how I should have stayed wherever I was. Little did he know that that place was no better.

Eventually the meal was over. We all marched back to our houses, Ginny still giving me the cold shoulder.

On my first full day back at Hogwarts, I got 3 detentions and was almost sent to the headmaster's office. By the end of the week, I had had at least 12 detentions all together. I was a mess, and the fact I wouldn't comply to their wicked detentions only made it worse. But I told myself I wouldn't even think of casting another Unforgettable ever again. And I was standing by that.

In the middle of the 2nd week back, the despicable DADA (or, DA) teacher was told off in class, courtesy of moi. That earned me a public humiliation ceremony and a trip to Snape's office.

He was what I was dreading the most. I didn't want to go to Snape and have him call The Dark Lord and send me back. I knew Snape was one of them, and I needed to avoid him.

But my sharp-tongue and inability to keep my mouth shut say otherwise.

So, the only thought that flowed through my mind as I made my way to the headmaster's office was, 'I do wish he doesn't recognize me.' It was a long shot, but a girl could dream.

The moment he laid eyes on me, a sly look came about his face, and he gestured for me to sit. "Sit." I obliged, rushing to the chair and plopping down in it. He walked around the desk and sat across from me, looking at me with his cold eyes.

"Is there a reason you've disturbed me? Shouldn't you be... elsewhere?"

"I-uh, was sent here. To speak with you." I stuttered slightly, stumbling with my words. I realized he meant 'elsewhere' as in Malfoy Manor. But I pretended it meant class.

"By whom?"

"The Defense Against The Dark Arts teacher." He pursed his lips.

"That was not the answer I requested." I tapped my fingers on his desk, crossing my legs under my chair.

"I'm not going to give you the answer you request. I apologize, headmaster, but-"

"What are you doing back at the school? Why are you here?" I stopped tapping, looking up at him with a hard gaze.

"I have unfinished business I would like to take care of."

"I could easily send you back to face the Dark Lord's wrath."

"Then why don't you?" I challenged, standing from my seat. "I've nothing more to lose! My family dead, my friends don't trust me, and the one person who does is doomed to life in Azkaban once the Death Eaters lose this damn war! Send me back to the Dark Lord, see if I care." I sat down once again, head in my hands.

"Miss (L/N), I will not summon the Dark Lord." I didn't dare look at him. I kept my mouth shut as he continued to speak. "But you are to stay out of trouble."

"Oh, of course, headmaster," I said, irony and sarcasm encasing the words like a woolen blanket on a winter's day. "I would never dream of it."

"Be sure to keep Draco out of trouble, as well."

"Oh yes. I would never dream of bringing him into any trouble."

"Now leave me be, I have business to attend to." He stood from his chair, flung his robes behind him, and walked to a corner of the room. I let a small smile take over my face for an ounce of a second.

"You know, Professor Snape," I started, standing from my chair and making my way to the door. "You aren't as terrible as everyone believes. Somewhere in there, you do have a heart, even if just a small one."

"Leave, Miss (L/N)," Snape muttered, and I laughed.

"Oh, but of course."   

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