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My name is Devon Thorne, and I'm a Borne vampire. When I was four, I couldn't sleep because, like all kids at some point, I thought I had monsters under my bed. I went to my dad, thinking he'd go check for them and chase them away.. that bastard handed me a .45 and told me to go handle my own monsters. By age six, I could kill a man with just a paper clip and some fishing line. By age seven, I had been taught to formulate a plan as to how I was going to kill someone in the time it took me to shake their hand or answer the door.

there are two kinds of vampires; the Borne and the Bitten. The Borne come into this world with the genetic fuck up-an exclusion of one of the 22nd chromosomes-that causes vampirism. The Bitten are the product of being created, for whatever damn reason someone decided to inject them with vampire venom. They're made by God knows who, mixed with God knows what, for God knows why.

Vampires have only two enemies--werewolves, because they're the only apex predator strong enough to kill us, and psychics, because their abilities give them the power to discover our secret. The girl I fell love with was in both categories.

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