"Thank you so much for helping me with this," I said to him, holding him tightly. I heard him chuckle.

"I wasn't going to just leave you there," he answered, patting my (H/C) hair lightly. "That would be rather terrible of me."

"Because you aren't a terrible person at all," I said sarcastically, rolling my eyes at him even though I knew he couldn't see.

"I've changed," he insisted, and I laughed.

"I know." I smiled up at him, and he lowered his head to touch his lips to mine. I smiled on his lips, but pulled away. When this little thing we had going on was officially official, I had no clue, but I liked how close we were now.

"Come on, I need to explain everything to my mum." I walked out of the room, him on my heel. We made it downstairs and sat my mum, Brad and Crystal down, explaining everything.

"....And that's why we came here," I concluded, moving over to the empty couch to sit, Draco following and sitting beside me.

"So, you're probably being looked for right now?" Crystal asked me, and I hesitated before nodding my head. "I have to go." I raised an eyebrow and watched as Crystal stood from her spot on the couch and walked away. I thought it was curious, but I didn't think about it too hard. I laid my head on Draco's shoulder and waited for my mum or Brad to say something.

"Well," my mother said after a moment, "You two are welcome to stay here for as long as you need." I smiled at her.

"Thank you. We'll be leaving in 3 days, Draco needs to get back to Hogwarts, and I plan on going with him and solving some problems." My mum nodded, and Brad looked annoyed at us, at me. He was just staring at us, and I felt some courage bubbling up inside me.

"Cat got your tongue, Brad? Were you hoping I was gone for good, hoping you'd never have to see my face again?" I lifted my head and glared at Brad, waiting for a response.

"I'm just-"

"Upset the Dark Lord didn't finish me off?"

"I never said th-"

"It was very implied." I stood up, pulling Draco with me. "I'm rather tired, and it's getting late. Do you want to go up to bed?" I didn't wait for his answer, instead pulling him after me to where he was sleeping, then moving on to my own room.

Two evenings later, around 4, Draco and I were taking a nice walk around the garden, making small talk and enjoying our last evening away from Hogwarts.

Our nice little conversation about favorite flowers was interrupted by a loud scream coming from my house. I immediately took off running back toward the house, worried that something was happening back in the house. Draco was calling after me, telling me to slow down and be careful, but I was too focused on getting back to the house.

I bursted through the front door and looked around. I heard shuffling around the study, so I made my way there.

In there, my mum and Brad were being held at wand point by a couple Death Eaters, Crystal standing to the side with a smug look on her face. I pulled out my wand just as Draco bursted through the door.


"Expelliarmus!" My wand was sent flying out of my hand, and I was left unarmed. Draco, of course, had no wand.

"(Y/N)," one of the Death Eaters said, "The Dark Lord requests your demise." I stared at him, then let out a little laugh.

"Kill me, then!" I challenged, making a minute gesture to my wand with my head to Draco. I think he noticed, because he began to slowly move toward it.

"Of course, there is another option," said another Death Eater.

"And what would that be?"

"Come back without a fight." I laughed. Draco had reached my wand, and I was eagerly waiting for the right moment to tell him to throw it.

"As soon as hell freezes over. Draco!" He threw my wand, and I caught it, immediately pointing it and shouting, "Stupefy!" The Death Eater holding my mum was hit, and he fell to the ground, Stunned. My mum was releases. "Expelliarmus!" The one holding Brad lost his wand, and Draco caught it.

"Expelliarmus!" the third Death Eater shouted, and I once again lost my wand. He disarmed Draco, then pointed his wand threateningly at me. "The Dark Lord said to kill you if you put up a fight." He grinned menacingly, then shouted, "Avada Kedavra!" The green light shot from his wand, and just as it was about to hit me, my mum jumped in front of me. It hit her, and she fell to the ground, dead.

I screamed. I cried. It felt like that terrible day in February all over again. I fell to the ground, sobbing, wanting to hug her body, but I couldn't. Instead, I wiped my tears, crawled to the closet wand, pointed it, and screamed, "Avada Kedavra!" The man who had killed her fell to the floor. I dropped the wand as soon as I knew he was dead and hugged onto my mum's body. After a while, I don't know how long, I stood, switching my mum out for Draco.

"We're leaving," I muttered into his shirt, which was soaked with my tears. He nodded.

"Where to?" he asked me, his voice barely a whisper.

"I'm going to the Weasley's. I don't know where you're going. Maybe Blaise's?" I pulled away from him, grabbed two of the wands from the ground, handed one to him, and pocketed the other.

We packed up a bunch of stuff, shrinking it all down and fitting it into tiny bags. I said goodbye to Draco before apparating away to the Burrow.

When I arrived in their grass yard, I almost cried, I felt so at home. I slowly trudged to the door, quietly opening it and walking inside. I saw two familiar heads in the kitchen, so I decided to run over to them first. I walked over to them, making sure to be quiet. As soon as I was right behind them, I spoke.

"I don't believe I ever got to say 'Happy Birthday' to you two." They turned around, shocked to hear my voice. And as soon as they saw me, I was attacked with hugs.  

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