Welcome To Magnolia

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The four of them sat in the family living room, chatting slightly, catching up. But Gajeel of course doesn't talk too much as a person would expect. Wendy was a good small happy girl, who is trying to advance in nursery. While Erza, she is a confident and pretty scary person Lucy found out. She seems to advance in a sort of career involving weapons, armory, etc. Gajeel carries a strong build, which brings Lucy to think he does something involving heavy lifting. They are all different ages, Erza being the oldest, then Gajeel, I, and Wendy.

"I have an idea!" Wendy shouts in excitement," let's play Hide and Seek!" Everyone's attention was on Wendy now, it seemed like a fun idea to everyone. "Sure Squirt," Gajeel said," that is if you're it first."

Wendy nodded in response and began to start counting to whatever length. Lucy knew there were multiple places, they probably didn't know about her secret room so she decided to charge there.

Once she reached the room, she opened it to only be occupied by Gajeel, so that is out of the question. The it hit her, perfect, no one will find her. She rushed up the stairs as fast as she could to the attic, and finally she walked slowly towards the unknown wardrobe. She didn't know why she was anxious to enter it, it was just a plain old closet type space. Slowly and as quietly as she could, she opened it. There were fur coats and multiple items she could hide behind, so she stepped inside and closed the door behind her. Now all she needed to do was get to the back of the wardrobe so that they can't see her.

As Lucy took a large step, ready to be in the back of the wardrobe, it seemed like there was more room. She furrowed her eyebrows as she reached for the back of the compartment. It wasn't even there, so she began to walk. There were multiple different coats surrounding her as she walked through. And as she began to see a clearing, curiosity took the best of her, and she ran to the clearing, all the coats seeming to disappear and to be replaced with tall trees.

She stared in awe as she slowed down and looked around her, it seems as if she was in a clearing with a lake. She turned in all sorts of directions trying to find something that might be the cause of this. Lucy finally decided she was just being delusional , and began to pinch herself. This seeming not to work, she got all giddy with her new discovery. Where am I?

There was a small rumble over in a nearby bush, and she walked towards it. But as she did, the rumbling stopped. As all time stood still as she leaned over, out flew a blue cat straight in her face. Lucy stumbled and fell on her bottom, glaring at the cat," Stupid cat!" The cat seemed to hear her and stopped flying. Slowly, the cat turned around with wide eyes.

"Who are you?" The cat said while floating towards her, he looked like he had angelic white wings on his back.

This was when Lucy was about to scream, but didn't since the cat rushed to put a paw to her mouth. "Shh!" The cat scolded her," You don't want them to hear you!" Lucy licked the cats paw, trying to get it off her mouth, and it was a disgusting taste actually, he did remove it though.

"W-Who are you? What are you?" Lucy asked startled. The cat shook his head at her questions," I'm Happy! And I'm an exceed." He held his paw out to her for her to shake it.

"Lucy, my name is Lucy," she reached to shake his tiny paw," Where are we?" Happy looked a bit confused at her question, he thought that since she was here, she would know where they were.

"Magnolia Lushie!" Happy exclaimed. Lucy just stared, her home was not in Magnolia in the first place, how-

A loud whoosh could be heard in the sky and as Lucy was about to look up, Happy picked her up and shouted," Max Speed!" And they were off.

"H-Happy! Where are we going!?" Lucy shouted, a bit annoyed by the fact he randomly picked her up and decided to fly off.

"Lushie you're so heavy~," Happy whined. Lucy had enough of the "stupid cat" as she would say, and tried to slip out of his grip. Which unsuccessfully worked, he had a strong grip for a tiny cat.

Happy began to land in front of a cottage, it had lights on since it was beginning to get dark. The outside was covered in stone, seemingly in a secluded area. The wood atop the home, or the roof as to say, shaping in intricate designs.

Lucy coughed slightly from the rough landing and looked out to the cottage. Happy seemed to know where he was going and knocked on the door," Natsu! I need your help," he called. The door opened slightly and Happy urged Lucy to come in, which she eventually did with some persuading.

"Natsu! Where are you?" Happy shouted in the home.

There were small snores coming from a hammock in the home, a pale blanket covering the person.  Happy floated over to the hammock and tried to flip it over, keyword here tried, I didn't work. But it managed to make the person, named Natsu, wake up slightly.

"Natsu! You need! To! Wake! Up!" Happy grunted as he tried to push him off. He finally did, and Lucy was fairly surprised with what came out of the blanket. Well, the most vibrant part about him was his hair.. His pink hair. Other than that, he seemed to have strong muscles and onyx eyes that bore into her very soul. He seemed to sniff the air and his eyes widened," You're not from around here.. Are you?" His deep voice resounded in the area. He gave off a slightly comforting aura when Lucy was near him, who knew why. Slowly, but hesitantly Lucy nodded.

Happy scolded Natsu," You're scaring her you know." Natsu glared at the feline, and took slow steps towards her.

"U-uhm, my name is Lucy," She stuttered. Natsu looked at her weirdly and asked," Where did you come from, Luigi?" He asked with a lazy smile.

" It's Lucy!" She rolled her eyes," I came from my home, I don't know how I got here exactly.. A wardrobe I suppose?" Lucy asked questioning herself.

" Natsu Dragneel," he announced," Fire Dragon Slayer. Welcome to Magnolia."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2015 ⏰

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