Chapter 12: We Need to Talk

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Legacy's P.O.V.

I got home from school a little late because I was catching up with Rack and Ruin. We walked together to the transport lifts leisurely and waited with them for the next lift when the first one filled up. Our conversation was mostly small talk, but they did invite me to come to their shuttle to hang out. I told them I'd talk to my sire about it.

I walked at a slow pace, enjoying myself. I had a good day for the first time since I've been here. I was settling into my new life. I smiled to myself and I pick up my pace to get home.

As soon as I open the door, I see Dad standing on the other side. He looked relieved for a split-second, then angry.

"Where were you? I tried calling and you didn't pick up. I was about to go looking for you." Dad says sternly.

"I was waiting with my friends for their transport lift." I respond. He scowled and he stepped aside so that I could go inside.

"I don't want you hanging around after school. Come straight home." He huffed.

"Oh, I guess that answers my question. I was going to ask if I could hang out with some friends after school, but never mind." I frown. His door-wings stiffened and then he moved to the lounge. I close the door behind us and I follow him.

He plopped down on the couch, mindful of his door-wings. I sat beside him and he shifted uncomfortably.

We watched the reports for awhile, but then I felt the urge to start a conversation with him. And I also feel that it's time that I got some answers.

"Why won't you talk to me?" The words rang through the air and I feel the tension between us.

"I don't want to talk." He says in a hushed voice.

"I need you to talk to me." I say with a shaking voice.

"I can't." He responds. I feel angry at him. It's like all my emotions were suddenly bubbling over and I turn to him.

"This isn't... I need you to talk to me. I don't care what about, but I can't sit here in silence with you anymore." I say quickly. He look over at my with dark optics.

"Then go to your room!" Dad says with a raised voice.

"No! I want to know what happened with mom the last time you saw her." I fire back, trembling.

"She left! Okay?! Is that what you want to here? She abandon us!" He shout. I feel hot tears streaming down my cheeks and I shake my head.

"She had to of said something! Anything?!" I cry.

"No. Now go to your room." He ordered. I shook my head.

"We need to talk. What about our bond? Why won't you let it rebuild?" I ask sadly. I see his jaw clench and he stands up abruptly. He storms out of the lounge and down the hall. I hear his door slam shut and I rise up out of my seat and I head to my room.

I close the door softly behind me and Iet out a sob. I lock my door and I go and sit on my berth. I grab my datapad and I open the screen to see the picture of Orion and I.

Every time I pictured him in my head I saw his slumped form on the floor with a puddle of blood expanding around his head.

I cried out as the men dragged me away. I see my brother's crumpled form and my mother in shock. I pass Ellie and let out another sob. We are outside and I see the green and black cars and I hear the deafening sound of a helicopter. I look up and I squeeze my eyes shut as dust flies in them.

I'm shoved in the back of a green and black car and I'm stuck between two men in armor, both of them holding a gun on me.

My focus was on the pain. My heart was burning. It felt like it had been ripped to shreds and smashed and burned and stabbed. The pain was endless.

I'm brought out of my daze when I hear a familiar roaring engine. I crack open and eye and look past the armored agent and see a blue, yellow, and white race car speeding past us.

"Dad!" I cry before I'm hit in the head hard.

I open my eyes and blink a few times to let my eyes adjust to the light. Once my vision cleared, I see a tall mech with purple and black armor. He had little horns on the side of his head and a single crimson optic in the center of his face.

"Who are you?" I ask fearfully. His optic lands on me.

"My designation is Shockwave." He answers simply.

"What am I doing here?" I watch him as he steps toward me. I was unable to move because I was strapped to a table.

"You are to be my experiment. You are the perfect specimen. As you can see, my others have failed." He says holding a servo out. I look to my side and I see a mutated body of a man. His skin was melted and was tinted blue.

A tear escaped from my eye and my bottom lip quivered.

"I assure you, you will not turn out like the rest of them." He says emotionlessly.

"I don't want to be here." I say sobbing.

"That's too bad, because you were a payment." He has his focus on the computer screen that wasn't unlike the one Ratchet used at base.

"That man... He killed my brother." I say to myself, remembering everything in vivid detail.

"Your brother was supposed to be another subject for me. The fool has to pay me in something else now and nothing made from you humans is valuable." He growls.

Orion was supposed to be here next to me? I don't know what's worse. Him being shot or whatever this Cyclops intended on doing to me?

I shiver at the memory and I stand up, going to my room, and locking the door behind me. 'Why is he ignoring me?' I thought. I needed someone when I first got here and I still need someone.

He's being selfish! He thinks he's the only one who lost something that day? I'm never gonna forgive him for putting me through this. He won't even let me cry on his shoulder if I needed to! It would be nice to have someone who knew everything about Earth, Mom, Orion, and what I used to be. I'm just gonna have to go through the motions and let time heal.

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