I turn to the teacher, Mr. Onimi, when he starts to blab on about our new project on different races of the world and their cultures, and how he would be assigning partners-- of course.

Just then, a guy I don't recognize comes in with a flurry. He has light brown hair and laughing cedar green eyes. I can tell from his somewhat tight fitting shirt that he has abs and muscles. I have never seen him before and I'm pretty sure he doesn't go to this school-- unless he is new. All the girls gasp as Green Eyes walks in with a worried expression and a hot body. Hey, just because people think I'm gay doesn't mean I cant check hot guys out. I am still straight and a girl with hormones. Mr. Onimi stops talking and looks at the boy. The guy is tall and towers over the short and stubby blonde haired, glasses, Mr. Onimi.

"And you must be the new Mr. Antony Wilson, correct?" the guy, Antony, looks at him.

"Uh, yeah"

"You don't sound so sure about that..."Mr. Onimi trails off. Every eye is trained on Antony as he nods his head.

"I am Antony Wilson, you're Mr. Onimi, right? First period Social Studies"

"Yes, now Mr. Wilson, please sit in that open seat next to Ms. Massier in the third row. That is your assigned seat for the rest of the year. Ms. Massier? Please raise your hand so he can see you." I raise my hand slowly. Antony catches my eye and smirks. He walks over and drops his stuff on the seat as he sits. "Now as I was saying..." Mr. Onimi continues talking about our projects.

Antony looks at me. "Hey, I am Antony, but you can call me Toni. What's your name, Ms. Massier?" He asks with a smirk.

"I am Kiera." He smiles and sits back in his seat looking at the board.

"Okay, everyone, here are your partners for this project: Justin Pullocks and Diana Reachen, Leila Sidonia and George Matthews" I see Leila frown at George who was the nerdy guy in the front. "Pierre Catres and Olivia Indige, Kiera Massier and now that he has arrived... Antony Wilson" Antony looks at me with a smirk and turns back to the front. I look sadly at Chase. "Michael Charing and Owen Yeachers, Chase Robertson and Nicole Vera," Eww, Chase and Nicole hate each other. Nicole, Diana, and Quinn are all part of Leila's little group. They are some of her endless seeming of minions. I look at him pitifully. "and lastly Precious Nesta and Quinn Farine. Okay everybody these are your partners whether you like them or not." Everyone groans as the bell rings. We all stand up, but I feel myself being pulled back.

"Wait" I hear Antony say. "When should we get together for this project?"

"I-uh. I don't know" I take his wrist and write my phone number. "Take this, and uh text me later and I'll figure something out, okay?"

"Sure, see you around Kiera" He winks and walks away leaving me to find that best friend of mine.

* * * * * *

"Hey what took you so long" Chase asks me as he falls into step next to me.

"Antony held me back to talk about the project" I tell him.

"What did you talk about?" Talk about being pushy.

"He wanted to know when we could get together so I just gave him and phone number and told him to text me whenever" Chase looks at me weird when we round around a corner to the staircase.

"So that's what got him so excited" He chuckles. "He was hot though... What did you think?" Chase wiggles his eyebrows.

"Eh, he was okay I guess." Chase laughs. "Why are you laughing?!"

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