Chapter Two

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A/N: Thank you for the positive feedback just a heads up this book is gonna go kinda slow as far as the pace of the story. Also this is kind of the prologue before we get into the juice (partly why it's in third person)...

Dear Desiree', we won't talk about your buildings anymore. I promise. I don't like seeing people sad. I can't see you but you know what I mean. Don't you?

Anyway, I had a game the other day and we lost and I was really mad about losing cuz we tried really hard. If you didn't think football was stupid you would understand.

But anyway, what do you like to do?

There are lots of things that I like to do. I like to ride my bike and eat pizza. I like cartoons too. Ninja turtles is my favorite. My favorite one is Mikey cuz he's funny.

I hope my letter makes you a little happy.




Dear Odell, I'm sorry that you didn't win your game no matter how dumb I think it is.

I know what you mean about not seeing people sad even though you can't see me.

Maybe if we keep being friends we'll see each other one day. If I ever saw you I don't think I would be sad because nobody is sad around their friends. Or at least I'm not. Are you ever sad around your friends Odell?

I like to read. Reading is fun and that's why Mr. Shelley tells me I'm smart. Right now I'm reading Junie B. Jones Is Not A Crook. It's really funny, probably funnier than the ninja turtles.

Your letter did make me happy. If it didn't I wouldn't write one back.

One day I think I'll be a author and write good books and be rich. Maybe we'll both be rich. What do you wanna be when you grow up Odell?




That what supposed to be it, over and done with, but It had started. What was it exactly?

For Desiree' and Odell the end for everyone else was just the beginning for them.

When everyone stopped writing their pen pals after Ms. Jenkins and Mr. Shelley told them the assignment was over the two kept writing. Why? Maybe it was because they were actually friends and when a child has a friend they value them. Cherish them even.

That's what children do: cherish the most precious things that the world casts aside because they seem to lose value; tangibility overriding the true value and meaning of the most amazing thoughts and feelings simply because they aren't purchasable and you cannot see them.

Childhood: 'You're my friend, so I want you to be happy.'

No account for distance or time. Simple .

Black and white.

Adulthood: 'We never see each other, so we're not really friends regardless of what we have in common, so it doesn't matter to me if you're happy or not. But by the way I still want you to be happy, but just not happier than me.'

Circumstantial and conditional. Complicated.



No matter how old we get everyone always has a little child left in them; no matter how much the world wears away at the innocence and freedom children bask in, at least a tiny spec remains unshakeable.

The part of people that has appreciation for the things no one could hold that remained in Odell and Desiree' was bigger than a spec. In fact, it was barely containable under the apathetic façade the world forced them to put on. But they kept their secrets safe between the two of them, and the US Postal Service of course.

A/N: I can't wait till I can stop writing in third person it's so fucking melodramatic 😂😂But bear with me. Please? Lol Please vote and comment! :D xoxoxo

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