Chapter Five

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*One Year Later*

Gillian couldn't find her breath as the music started playing and she walked down the aisle behind her daughters.
Emily was her maid of honor, Izzy her flower girl. She'd waited for this day for nearly eight and a half years. Now that it was here, she hoped it would never end.
Cal was waiting for her at the end. Gillian realized this was the first time she'd ever seen him cry. That thought made her start crying too.

"I now pronounce Mr. and Mrs. Cal Lightman. You may kiss the bride."
Cal leaned forward and closed the space between himself and Gillian. Everyone clapped, Eli whistled but Cal decided to ignore him for once. He was too happy and not even Eli's antics could possibly ruin it.
"I love you Gillian." He whispered in his wife's ear.
"I love you too."

"If the Lightmans would please get ready for their first dance."
Cal stood up and offered Gillian his hand. She accepted and they walked over to the dance floor. The music start and Cal began to lead her around the floor.
"You've always said you're a bad dancer but right now I can't possibly see how."
"I can only dance when I'm with you, love."
A smile graced Gillian's lips.
"Well then, I hope we never stop dancing."

It was getting late, wedding guests had already started to leave. Cal and Gillian were sitting at a table quietly talking when Isabella came up to them.
"Mommy, I'm tired."
"Emily is about to take you home."
"How long are you going to be gone again?"
"Just a week. Zoe is going to stay with you during the day and Emily will be home at night."
"But you'll call me every day. Right?"
Emily came up to them.
"Izzy, are you ready to go?"
"Yes. Bye, Mommy. I love you!"
Gillian laughed as her daughter jumped into her lap and gave her a hug.
"I love you too."
Isabella turned to Cal and gave him a hug.
"I'm glad you're my daddy." She told him and gave him a hug.
"Yes, Mommy?"
"We have something we need to tell you. Cal isn't just Mommy's husband. He's your daddy. Your real daddy."
"I know."
All three adults stared at her.
"What?" Emily asked. Nobody had ever told Isabella the truth, they were waiting for the right time.
"I've known since the first time I met him."
"But how?" Gillian asked.
"I told you he made me feel safe. Like you do. There was only one person who could do that, even if I'd never met him before. And he talks like me."
Cal chuckled.
"You are your mother's daughter, aren't you?"
"Will you tell me why you were gone so long?"
"One day, darling. When you're old enough to understand. I'll tell you everything. I promise."
"Okay, Daddy."
Emily hugged both of them.
"Bye. Have fun on your honeymoon."
"Bye, Em."
Cal and Gillian looked at each other as their daughters walked away.
"Gill, you were worried about her for nothing."
"I'm usually worried about nothing. What else is new?"
"You're Mrs. Gillian Lightman." He said with a smirk.
"So that's new."
Cal gave Gillian a long kiss.
"I'm sorry I made you wait so long."
"But you're here now. We married, our daughter is happy, and I love you. That's all that matters now."
"I love you too, Gillian."


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