Chapter Five

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Gillian paused outside of the room, not sure if she really wanted to know exactly how bad it was on the other side. But she went in anyway, followed by her employee because she needed to know that he was there. That he was still alive. That he was still with her.
Zoe was standing by the window hugging Emily. Ben Reynolds was in the corner talking quietly on his phone. Gillian didn't know why he was here but at the moment she didn't really care.
Cal was covered in bandages. She couldn't see much of his flesh and what she did see was covered in burns. It took everything in her not to scream and sob right there in the doorway. This wasn't supposed to happen. They had finally gotten on track, found the same page. She couldn't remember the last time life had felt this easy. She almost felt like she should have seen it coming; when everything was going right something was bound to go wrong. And everything had been going right, for so long. Months had passed, and the world had kept spinning, and now it was coming to a shrieking halt.
Tubes and wires shot out from everywhere, and she wasn't sure she should touch him or if she even could.
She slowly walked to the bedside. To her surprise, he opened his eyes and spoke.
"Hi, darling." His voice was weak and barely recognizable.
She needed to sit down before she lost the strength to stand. Zoe seemed to understand because she let go of Emily and moved the chair over to the bed before gently helping Gillian into the seat.
Gillian carefully took Cal's hand and winced when he did. She quickly let go.
"I'm sorry." She said, blinking back tears.
Cal took her hand in his this time but she pulled away and started fiddling with the side of his hospital gown.
"You have nothing to be sorry for, love."
Gillian shuttered and forced herself to keep her hands where they were, to not grab onto him, and continue to poke and prod until she was satisfied he was really there. She was never quite sure anymore, but she didn't plan on add more injuries to the list he'd acquired.
Absentmindedly running his fingers through Gillian's hair, he felt Emily pulling on the hand she had possessed. Looking over, he watched as she picked through her many pockets. When she found the one she wanted, she gazed at him expectantly. Mentally, he chuckled; she was a sly girl. He'd taught her well.
He gave a slight nod, not wanting to draw attention to himself. She covertly removed her hand from her pocket and handed him the small object and waited.
Cal cleared his throat, bringing everyone's attention back to him.
"I love you more than anything. Marry me?" He asked, holding up the modest diamond ring. He had considered exchanging the one he had for something grander, but Emily had talked him out of it, saying anything too flashy didn't seem right; the one he had was simple and elegant, and perfect.
Gillian momentarily forgot how to breathe. Then she realized she was already nodding her head yes.
He slipped the ring on her finger. Then he realized he was tired. So tired. His eyes were heavy and breathing seemed to be sucking away all his energy.
His name came from a distance, from the darkening shadows surrounding him.
"I love you." It came out of his mouth as barely a whisper.
Heart knocking violently into his ribs, Cal fought to take in any air available. His grip loosened, and his head lolled to the side.
Gillian was on her feet immediately, a tremor consuming her. Cupping his face, she softly patted his cheek.
"Cal, open your eyes. Come on."
Gillian's eyes widened, terrified. Petrified the beginning was the end. The others' expressions mirrored her own. Zoe had pulled Emily to her, and turned her child away from the scene.
"You can't do this now. Open your eyes, Cal. Come back. It's okay. You're okay. Wake up. Please wake up. Don't do this to me. Don't do this to me. Don't do this to me. I need you. I love you so much. Come back."
Her words were no more than a breathy whisper, but it could've been a yell in the otherwise silent room. She couldn't breathe. It was like a clamp was compressing her chest, squashing the life from her.
A team of nurses and doctors ran in and Gillian could feel herself being led out of the room. This wasn't happening. Not now. Not like this.
She didn't know how long she and the others sat in the waiting room. It couldn't have been long but it felt like an eternity. She hadn't moved. She couldn't move. She was paralyzed, cold and scared.
Then a doctor came out and Gillian knew. She knew before he ever said a word. In that moment, Emily saw the life leave her eyes, even if she wasn't dead.
"There was nothing we could do."

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