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Louis is startled awake as the car he is seated in dips into a pothole and rises back out of the ground. His eyes open and meet with two sets of eyes that are looking at him fondly from the rearview window.

"Sorry, darling. Didn't mean to wake you," the man in the driver's seat says softly. He has one hand on the steering wheel and the other on the leg of the man seated next to him. Louis doesn't see any details of the men besides their dark hair and brown eyes.

"Who," Louis tries to say and at that moment a pacifier falls from his lips. "Who are you?"

"Why don't you go back to sleep, Lou? We'll have formal introductions when we get home," the man in the passenger's seat suggests.

Home? Louis has no home to speak of. He has been living with friends these past few months just attempting to make it by. The economy is shit, and nobody is going to hire a kid who didn't go to uni. Wherever this home they were speaking of is, Louis knows it's not his. Red alerts shrill in his head and he senses danger. He is in a moving car with two strangers and there was an object designed for babies in his mouth for an unknown to him amount of time.

Louis will be having none of this. "I asked you a question. Who are you? And why was there a dummy in my mouth?" The boy had seen enough crime shows to know not to scream or attempt to throw himself out of a moving vehicle. He is scrawny and he can tell by the outline of the men sitting in front of him that they would have no trouble taking him down. He looks at his lap to see that he had been strapped into a car seat. "What the hell am I sitting in," he gasps.

"Louis, no swearing," the man speaks again.

"Oh, dear lord. I've been kidnapped," he mutters to himself.

"You have not been kidnapped," the first man says.

"Oh yeah? Then what do you call waking up strapped in to a carseat with two strangers?!"

The driver shrugs, "Adoption."

"Adoption is what you do when you are adding a kid to your family," Louis attempts to correct him.

"I know, darling. We are adopting you."

"Adopting! Adopting! Oh Jesus! I'm going to be murdered by the end of the week!"

"Baby, you need to relax," the driver says.

"Don't you dare fucking call me baby," Louis hisses.

The man in the passenger's seat turns his head to look at the driver. He has brown hair and a beard and he looks just like David Beckham. Stunning really. "We're going to have to make sure that swearing stops before Harry catches that habit."

The driver sighs and take the other man's hand and brings it to his lips. He places a very gentle kiss and begins massaging it with his thumb.

"What do you want from me," Louis asks. Perhaps it hasn't complete sank in yet what exactly adoption is as he isn't panicking as much as kidnapping victims usually do.

"Just be the good little boy that we know you are," the David Beckham doppleganger says to him.

Good little boy? "With all due respect, which I must add is not a lot considering you're kidnapping me-."

"Adopting," he is cut off by the man.

"Kidnapping," he snarls. "I am 22 years old. I am not a child, and I don't appreciate the way you're talking to me. I will not be a good little boy. I will make your life living hell."

"Look, Lou, we know you aren't aware of the rules, but you just broke two of them in less than one minute. You will not swear and you will not make threats. You are going to stop now, or you will receive 5 spanks for every swear and threat you make from now on. We are not going to tolerate you acting bold." That all comes from the driver. Louis wants to see his face more than anything. Wants to know what the mysterious man looks like. At least then when he runs away he can help the police take him down.

"Why do you care so much about swearing," Louis asks.

"Because Harry sometimes repeats things that he hears and we would prefer it if you didn't teach him swears."

"Who the heck is Harry?"

"Harry is our baby. And now he's your little brother," David Beckham says.

"Baby or fellow kidnappee? Do you also make him sit in a child's seat and force pacifiers into his mouth?"

"Harry, like you, is adopted. We do not force him to do anything. Harry is the most obedient baby in the community. He is a very sweet little boy. You are absolutely going to love him," the good looking man exclaims.

"Why did you say little? How old is he?"

"Biologically he is 19," sas the mysterious man. Man of Mystery? No. Louis couldn't give him that nickname! Austin Powers is too badass to be like this lowlife! This freak who kidnaps and forces grown adults to act like kids.


"That's nothing for you to worry about, baby. He is a perfect little baby. He isn't mischievous so he'll help you be a perfect little one as well."

"How long?"

"How long what," the driver asks.

"Have you had him?"

"Three years come February."

Three years! They have had this boy since before he was even an adult! Louis' heart hurt. He becomes nauseous and dizzy. His body feels like it's on fire. Louis has never met this boy, Harry, but he's already sure that he's going to help him break free. From what he understand, the boy is brainwashed and acts like a small child. This has to be considered a form of torture.

Louis is breathing harder and the man in the passenger seat completely turns his body around to look back at the younger man who is beginning to hyperventilate. Sweat droplets roll down his face and the man worries.

"Darling, what's wrong?"

Louis scoffs. "What's wrong?! What's wrong is you kidnapped a child and brainwashed him. And now you're kidnapping me!"

The older man reaches out his hand to pat the younger's knee but Louis bats his hand away. "No hitting! You will not hit me or papa!"

'Oh, hell no!' Louis thinks. There is no way he was calling a man 'papa'.

Louis opens his mouth to say something but is immediately cut off by the man steering the car. "Louis, I know this is all somewhat of a transition for you, but we are going to wait to answer your questions until we get home. Then we can have formal introductions face-to-face. For now, we have about an hour till we get there. I expect you to put the dummy back into your mouth and try and get some sleep. Little boys need naps."

Both men watch him from the rearview mirror as they did when he woke up. The young man looks as though he was about to cry. "Now, Louis," warns the Beckham doppleganger.

He gives in. Not even being awake and talking for half an hour and he is already breaking. He's been kidnapped and is now being taken to his new home by two men. And when he gets there he is going to meet another boy in his situation. Louis fears for what everything is going to be like. What going to be like. He knows there will be nobody in the world out looking for him. Louis sighs and picks up the pacifier and slides it between his lips. The larger men have made it crystal clear that they could use violence to get their ways.

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