One-Shot Collector

73 2 0

[2 persons position]

ARTICLE: One-Shot Collection


-Each of you please collect ONE Vocaloid one-shot per issue.

-Alias with your other member to ensure you two don't pick the same one-shot.

-The one-shot MUST be decent to read. Not too much grammar mistakes and etc.

-The one-shot isn't necessary to be famous or anything.

*Please don't just find a random one-shot and throw it in the article. You will receive a warning whether you like it to not.*

**Please ask the author's PERMISSION before using their one-shot. If you are reported to have used it without permission, you will be given a warning as well.**

***Please type "Miku Miku!" before the application to confirm that you have read all of the responsibilities and stuff.***


I want you to have your own style of writing an article, but there are a few crucial points I would like to point out.

[Begin with a short introduction of yourself and greet your readers]

[Text - Include the title and the author's username of the one-shot. Please ask the author to send you a soft copy if not you'll have to type it yourself. I don't think you can copy paste? Make sure it's exactly the same as the author's one-shot.]

[End with a simple good bye and some wishes or what so ever, don't leave the article hanging, interact with your readers a little bit.]

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