Chapter Thirty-Two

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Harry awoke to being moved about. He felt skin slide along his body and then he was rolled to the side. Teeth bit at his neck and hands moved over his chest. He was enveloped in Draco's scent and Harry instinctually pushed back into the body behind him.

"I'm getting there," Draco growled. And then he was there. He surged into Harry with such force that only his arms holding onto the smaller Indago kept Harry from falling off the chaise. Harry grabbed onto those strong arms as he moved his leg to drape over the larger one being forced between his own. One of those strong hands dropped lower until it rested against Harry's stomach and Harry felt his own cock twitch in anticipation.

"Draco," he whispered in appeal. Draco thrust faster and deeper and then was done. Harry again felt that wonderful feeling of rightness and forgot all about his earlier whispered request.

"Right, let's go," Draco said once he had recovered. He slipped free of Harry's grip and stood up. "We've got classes in an hour and I intend on eating breakfast this morning." Harry listened as Draco went into the bathroom. After the toilet flushed Harry padded in after him and watched as Draco turned on the shower and stepped in.

"Well, are you coming?"

Harry smiled and climbed into the shower.


After another quick round in the shower, Harry and Draco were seated at the Slytherin table having breakfast. Harry was starving and eating as much as he could fit on his plate. Draco smirked at his behavior and ordered Vincent Crabbe to share the bacon when Harry had attempted to grab some and was denied.

Draco and Harry walked to Harry's first class, Herbology. Harry saw his friends waiting for him at the door to Greenhouse Two.

"Right, I've got a class clear on the other side of the castle, so stick with your friends, not that they do much," Draco drawled nastily. "But still, I suppose your impersonation of a daft loony yesterday did the trick and you won't have many hunters after you anymore." He turned to walk away and Harry grabbed his arm and held on tight. Draco turned back to look at him with a raised eyebrow.

"I... Can't I just... um, go to class with you, or maybe you could assist in this class?" Harry asked in a worried tone. Draco smirked and pulled out of Harry's grasp.

"Look, Potter, you'll have to fight this instinct because I am not missing Arithmancy and you can not afford to skive off any classes with your grades." Draco shook his head. "You'll just have to wait until lunch to see me again, got it?" Harry nodded. "Then, go." Draco strode back into the castle. Harry felt bereft without the blonde near.

"Harry? Are you alright?"

Harry turned to see his friends had walked up to him as he stared after Draco. Hermione was looking back and forth between the direction Draco had gone and Harry.

"Draco left," Harry said simply.

"Well, he had class too," Ron said, puzzled.

"But, he shouldn't go away. I should be with him." Harry's tone was even but his hands twisted together in anxiousness. What if he needed Draco while they were apart? What would he do?

"Second stage has started," Hermione said to Ron. The other boy's eyes widened in comprehension and then narrowed in dismay.

"Ugh, does that mean that their, ya know," Ron made undefined hand gestures, "shagging?" He whispered the last word. Hermione rolled her eyes at him and then took a step closer to Harry.

"Harry? Have you and Draco started to become intimate again?" she asked softly. Harry's gaze moved from the castle entrance back to her.

"Yeah, last night and this morning. Oh, and once in the shower," he said distractedly. Ron's eyes bugged out.

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