Chapter Three

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Professor Dumbledore had smiled sadly at Harry and had said that he was afraid that Harry would forever surprise him before he ushered them off to bed and walked away towards the dungeons. Ron and Hermione had escorted a shell-shocked Harry up to Gryffindor Tower, past questioning house mates and into the seventh year boys' dorm room.

Harry just sat on his bed and listened to his two best friends try to explain his behavior.

"It must have been a curse. Ow, Hermione!"

"If you would hold still, I could do this a bit better. I'm just not as skilled as Madame Pomfrey." Hermione finished the healing charm and only the slightest bit of dark skin showed where Draco's fist had connected. Putting her wand away she leaned over and hugged her red haired friend. "Thank you for rushing in there like a big dumb idiot."

"Geez, I think you're welcome," Ron grumped. Then he looked back at the silent Harry.

"Cheer up, Harry. It was just some sort of spell. We'll figure it out and its counter-spell and he won't be able to treat you like.. uh,"

"His bitch," Harry stated.

"Well, no, I mean..." Ron stuttered to a stop, then gave a big sigh. "Yeah, his bitch. Sorry, mate."

"Harry, did you hear Malfoy cast any spells or charms?" Hermione asked.


"Well, do you know what he meant when he said you were his subicio?"

Harry looked up quickly and nodded. "Yes, it means that I..." Harry came to a halt when he realized that he didn't know. "I thought I just knew what it meant but now I haven't got a clue!" Harry growled in frustration.

"Hmm, well, I'm sure the library must have something on a Subicio curse." She tapped her finger on her chin. "Did you notice that Professor Dumbledore didn't look Malfoy in the eyes?"

"No, but I can't believe he let that prat get away with what he did," Ron ranted. "I was on the bloody floor and he didn't even dock a single point! I mean, honestly, when did Dumbledore start favoring Slytherins!"

"Well, I'm sure he did something. Malfoy was acting even more horrible than usual. I can't believe how very strong he has gotten," she mused. "He was holding you up like a rag doll, Harry."

"Yeah, I was there," Harry mumbled.

Hermione stood up and walked to the door. She turned back and gave a reassuring smile. "Don't worry, Harry. I'm sure Ron's right. We'll find the counter-spell and all will be fine. We'll go to the library during lunch."

After the door closed, Harry fell back onto his bed fully clothed and wished himself to unconsciousness. He ignored Ron's words of encouragement and vows of revenge upon the House of Malfoy and fell into a heavy sleep.

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