Chapter 16

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[Lexi's POV]

[Melbourne, Australia, April 2012]

'Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god! Lexi! Lexi! Come over here! Oh my god.' I heard Sally yell from the living room. I quickly dropped my phone and ran over to her.

'What's going on?!' I yelled at her and she turned around looking all happy. 'Oh boy, this can't be good...'

'I won! I flipping won!' she squeeled.

'Are you serious?'

'Yes! I won Lexi! Oh my god, we're meeting them later today!' I just smiled at her while she continued rambling. I never expected her to win those tickets, I just didn't, I thought I was good but hearing that I wasn't, the past flashed right before my eyes.

'Are you even listening Lexi?!' Sally said, still super excited.

'Uhu.' I said nodding.

'I'm going to take a shower and then we're going to pick out our outfits, it has to be perfect! Oh my god, I still can't believe this!' she said running towards the bathroom. It was nice seeing her this happy since everything has gone pretty bad for her lately but I wasn't to happy for myself. Sally was one of my best friends and when I heard she was having a lot of issues I decided to go live with her and her mom for a month. I loved her to death but the one thing I hated was her fangirling love for One Direction. Don't get me wrong, I like their music but that one member, I can't even say his name anymore, that one member caused a lot of trouble for me: Niall. And today, today my best friends luck turned and she won last minute tickets to One Direction, an intimate performance. About 250 girls from Australia won tickets to a M&G, intimate performance and interview. The reason I had to go now was the fact that she didnt know about my past with Niall, I never had the guts to tell her. She knew there was a guy that helped me get over Josh which had a big part in my life till this day but she didn't know it was Niall. When she told me about the competition and asked me to come along I had tried to get out of it but there was no point, she had seen me checking them out and listening to their music the night before so I had to come and wasn't allowed to say I didn't like them anymore. I layed down on the bed waiting for Sally to get out of the shower and I just stared at the sealing, thinking about what would happen today.

Would he recognize me? And if he did, would he say anything? Would he try to get back in touch with me? I really didn't know. After the letter Greg gave to him a little of 1,5 years ago he had tweeted me a few times to update on his Xfactor adventure but I never replied even though I really wanted to. According to Greg he hasn't moved on till today but I didn't quite believe that. Since I'd left Ireland I kept an eye on him, following his moves to see if he was allright and well, he seemed pretty good to me, not as hung up on me as Greg would describe.

'You're wearing that brown like skinny with the cute red shirt.' Sally said as she walked out of the bathroom straight to my closet to grab the outfit.

'I am?' I said sarcasticly trying to tease her.

'Yup, you'll be twins with Niall! I know he's your fave.' she said winking at me. I just nodded. 'I'm going as Louis!' she squeeled grabbing all sorts of stuff from her closet and throwing them on the bed. I grabbed the stuff she gathered for me and went to the bathroom and put it on. Honestly I found it very stupid to dress up like the boys did but I just did it, for Sally, it was her day. As I got out Sally was already working on her make-up. She went all out, way more as asual but I just let her go. This was her day. I just put on some light eye liner, put a brush through my hair and sat down on the bed.

'Done!' I said smiling at her and she just stuck out her tongue.

'Hold on a sec, I'm almost done to and then we'll go!' she said sounding really happy.

When Sally was done her mom brought us to the venue. As we got out we gave her a kiss goodbye and as she drove off I was really close to calling her back to take me home with her.

'Come on doofus, we gotta go!' Sally said grabbing my hand and somewhat ran towards the entrance. She showed the man at the entrance our ticket and he pointed us to our area. From the looks of it our group was the last to get called into the M&G. Afterwards we'd go to a small room where they'd perform some songs and they'd answer some questions. As we were waiting more and people were called up but then finally it was time for our group and I felt the butterflies in my stomac, I was really nervous. We were put in a line in front of a door and were called in per group of friends or however you want to call it. Sally and I were last and as we stood there waiting she kept on fangirling. The door suddenly opened and they guided us in. There they were, One Direction, but my eye inmedeatly went towards Niall who was talking to Harry.

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