Chapter 2

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Scott's P.O.V.

As I walk away from the blonde I recently bumped into, I can't help but to smile. The way she smiled and laughed brought this feeling in my chest that I couldn't describe.

I get to the luggage carousel and wait to find my luggage. The black guitar case and suit case appear and I grab them off the carousel. I maneuver my way through the crowd until I see Elizabeth. She's talking to another young blonde.

Elizabeth sees me and waves me over, "Oh, Scott! I found our Elsa while you were gone." she smiles brightly which makes me smile. I look over to the other blonde who introduces herself, "Hi, I'm Georgina Haig! You must be playing Elizabeth's fiance I'm guessing?" the young blonde asked with an Austraillian accent and a smirk.

I feel my cheeks warm up a little and I can see Elizabeth blushing madly, too. We both laugh, "I'm Scott Michael Foster." I say introducing myself. "Well we should all get going then, right?" Georgina says grabbing her two suitcases. Elizabeth and I both nod. We both pick up our luggage and start walking together.

As we walk near the exit doors of the airport, a man in a suit is holding up a sign that says, 'Elizabeth Lail, Scott Michael Foster, and Georgina Haig.'

I look over at Elizabeth and Georgina, "It looks like we have an arranged ride."

We all walk over to the man with the sign, "Are you Elizabeth Lail, Scott Michael Foster, and Georgina Haig?" he questions us.

"Yes." we all reply to him simultaniously.

"Follow me, please." the man in the suit says walking out the doors, leading the way. A gush of cool air hits the three of us as we exit. He stops at a parked black BMW in front of the airport doors. "I'll take your luggage."

We smile and give him our bags. Georgina and Elizabeth are already in the car by the time I drop my luggage. I chuckle softly and get inside the car with them. Georgina has the window seat while Elizabeth sits in the middle which makes me sit next to her. I look over at them and see the girls shivering.

"Cold already?" I tease them.

Georgina looks over at me, "The cold never bothered me anyway." she sings.

Elizabeth and I both laugh at her remark. Our laughs subside and it's quiet for a moment until Georgina starts to speak again.

"So Elizabeth, I can't say I've heard any of your work. Are you new to the business?" she asked.

Elizabeth nods, "Yes. I just graduated college back in May. It's as if it's a dream come true to have this all happening."

"Well, you must have some good potential." I say with a smile. Elizabeth looks back at me, "T-thank you," she said smiling "but are you two nervous?" Elizabeth asked. "I mean we are taking on taking on iconic roles, everyone will be expecting so much."

I turn towards her and nod, "Yes, but we got each other and I'm sure Adam and Eddie will there to help us. You know giving advice how we should take on the roles." I guess my words eased Elizabeth a bit until Georgina speaks up again.

"Well if I were you, I wouldn't rely so much on me. I literaly just saw Frozen for the first time on the flight over here." Georgina said which made Elizabeth wide-eyed. The look on her face made me laugh a little.

"You're kidding." Elizabeth said eyeing Georgina. She shook her head and raised her hands up in defense, "Honest to God."

"Well let's all watch Frozen, then." Elizabeth said as she got out her phone. Georgina and I both drew our faces near Elizabeth's to watch them movie. She plays it and all I can think is how close our faces are. My cheeks turn red a bit.

We watch some of the movie until we arrive on set. Our driver stops the car in front of two trailers. We all get out and get our luggage out of the trunk when two men walk out of the trailers. "Welcome to the set of Once Upon A Time!" Eddie greets us with a grin. "Let us show you around and to your trailers." Adam tells us, smiling.

We follow the two men with our bags and look around the set. Adam and Eddie show us the hair and make up trailer, the costume building, the set of Storybrooke, and finally the set where we'll shoot scenes in Arendelle.

It was around sunset when we finally stop at three unoccupied trailers compared to the lit up ones surrounding these ones. "Now you're all probably tired from your flight here. We don't blame you," Adam says which makes us laugh a bit. "So here is your trailers. Georgina yours is the one on the right. Elizabeth yours is the one in the middle and Scott yours is next to Elizabeth's." he says giving us each a key.

"If you need anything, you know where to find us. It was nice meeting you all and we'll see you tomorrow." Adam and Eddie walk away leaving only the three of us.

"Well, I don't know about you two but I'm heading straight to bed. Goodnight!" Georgina says taking her suitcases and walks inside her trailer.

Elizabeth and I yell out goodnight before it was just the two of us.

"I'm sorry about earlier... you know for running into you." she says a bit akwardly, laughing softly. Her laugh brings a smile to my face once again. I shake my head, "Don't worry about it. It's not like you broke my arm or something." I joke. She looks at me and laughs again, "I suppose you're right."

She look downs and I follow her gaze. My guitar case. "So are you in a band or something?" she asked curiously looking back at me. "Kind of. I pretty much just play when I'm not on set." I reply softly.

"Maybe you could show me sometime when we're not Anna and Kristoff." she smiles. I look into her green eyes and nodded shyly, "W-We could do that." I'm glad it's dark out by now so she can't see the redness of my cheeks. "So I'll see you tomorrow?" I ask changing the subject. She nods with a bright smile, "I'll see you tomorrow. Goodnight Scott." she says walking away.

I stand there for few seconds, "Goodnight Elizabeth." She turns around and a smile appears in the darkness. "Call me Liz." she says and walks inside her trailer. I turn towards my trailer and walk inside with a wide grin.

No girl I've ever met made me feel this way. The way she smiled, her laugh, those eyes that light up when she meets someone or hears something good. I walk into the bedroom and decide I'll unpack tomorrow. The flight over here from LA was exhausting.  I fall onto the bed only think of one thing before I drift into sleep, I think I may be falling for Elizabeth Lail.

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