The Boys Next Door (Larry and Ziam Werewolf AU)

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                Harry smirked at him slightly. He was already liking this one, and wouldn’t mind bedding him sooner, rather than later. “Jogging. Heard you guys pull in and thought I’d say hello. I’m your neighbor.”

                Louis raised an eyebrow at him, as if reading his mind, and crossed him arms to say good luck to get with this. “That’s… Nice.” He turned to Liam. “Mum wants you start bringing in the stuff, or she’s gonna send Daisy and Pheobe after you.”

                Liam cracked a smile. “Right, well, Harry, we’ll talk to you later.” That was the end of the conversation, and Harry jogged off, leaving Liam and Louis (namely Liam) to bring in the boxes.


                Harry arrived at the pack house not much later, since it truly was next to Louis and Liam, and went in. There was too main sections to the house. On the left, was the meeting room and his father and his beta’s offices.  On the right, was his home. Most of the pack had their own houses, but the alpha’s was a community home. There were plenty of guest rooms for people to stay in, and always more than enough food to go around. Anyways, training was in the backyard and forest of the alpha house. Most wolves over the age of 15 spent the weekends there, trainging. Women so they knew how to protect themselves, and men to fight incase another pack was going to attack. But that hadn’t happened in years, so it was more to keep in shape and such.

                “Mum?” Harry called out, poking his head into the kichten to see his mother and Zayn’s talking. The stopped when they heard him, and smiled.

                “Harry. You’re late.” Harry’s mum, Anne, said, frowning slightly.

                “I stopped in to say hello to the neighbor’s.” He said, grabbing an apple form the fuirt bowl off the breakfast table, that was really never used, since his mother always made a huge breakfast, and a lot of the pack did stop in early enough to eat it, so they ate in the dinner room.

                “Oh, they’re here? We should go over later, to introduce ourselves.” Anne said, smiling as she continued to make some dinner. “Do they have any kids?”

                Harry nodded, and finished his bit of apple before talking. “From what I can tell, there’s 4 daughters, a son my age, and their cousin lives with them. He’s also my age.”

                The mother’s eyes widened. “That’s a house full.” Trica laughed, as Anne smiled.

                “We can’t really be ones to talk, now can we?” She said.

                “That’s very true.” Trica nodded, before Yasar and Robin, Zayn’s father and Harry’s, came in.

                Robin looked surprised to see Harry inside, talking to the mother’s. “Harry. Zayn was looking for you. I think he’s outside, training or something of the sorts.”

                Harry nodded. “I’ll go and see what he wants later. I need to have a word with you, dad. Privately?”

                Robin nodded, and motioned for Harry to follow him to his office. “What’d you want to talk about? Also, you did your rounds, right?”

                “Yes.” Harry said, “That’s sort of what I wanted to talk about. When I was on my rounds, I saw the new neighbor’s coming in. They’re all human, expect one. He’s a cousin, about my age, by the looks, and said he couldn’t contact you because of his aunt and cousins being human and not knowning about him. Being a werewolf, I mean.”

The Boys Next Door (Larry and Ziam Werewolf AU)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz