James's life

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This part is going to be about James's life only and how his life came to be. The photo above is what James would look like.
Love, Makienna

Hi my name is James I am 13 years old, my parents have just recently died, I have 3 siblings which is two brothers and one Sister, my sister's name is Katie, my brothers names are Tyler and Dave. My parents died in a house Fire when I was 12, 2 days before my birthday. All of us were in the house when the fire started, all of us kids got out and were waiting for our parents with the safe box that has the money for the new house we are going to buy, Katie thought she seen mom and dad come out of the house so we ran up to the door to see but we didn't see them all we seen was the safe box with a note on it that said " I'm sorry that we can't be with you for the rest of our lives now like planned because of the fire, all the money is in the safe for yall to use to get food and shelter and more clothes and anything else y'all need for a little bit, we were coming to the door to leave to be with yall when..."! That's all the note said I guess you could say my parents died in the house fire. When the fire department finally showed up they asked where our parents were and we told them that we think they died in the house when they were trying to leave and so they went and put the fire out and found our parents dead bodies and confirmed they were dead. We took all the money that we have saved up and the money from the safe and bought a new house and food and clothes but now we have no more money, so now I have to find a job.

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