Going To See Why James Left!

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I show up at work the next day and go ask James why he left my house in such a hurry?. "Hey James why did you leave my house like that last night?" "Well hey there Abby. I left because it was time um for the kids to go to bed." "Oh yeah that's what it was James are you sure it wasn't because you are scared that you get close to they will want to control your life is that it. Well I have that same problem too so there's no use in hiding it people are going to find out anyway so why are you going to keep it from someone that has been going through it longer than you have when they can help you that's the most stupidest thing I have ever heard from anyone!!!" "Look Abby I'm sorry I left like that I just wasn't ready to tell to my whole life about how it all happened I'm so sorry I will try to make it up to you later ok." "Ok James I see your point here I will give you another chance and I know how you feel about not wanting to tell anyone right at first about your life problem but you can trust me."

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