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Ah dick, guys. I was just way too excited to go ahead and start writing this story! I was going to wait until I got enough comments and people begging for the prologue, but I couldn't. This idea I have is just too awesome and needs to be written. xD Now, the prologue will be short, but it's just a quick little backstory, so don't expect much until the actual first chapter... Which... Let's see how many votes this can get first. ^^ So without further ado... I present the prologue for The Hitch-Hiker.

Enjoy. :)


Ever experienced... What it feels to have your heart ripped out? Stomped on? Crushed? Torn apart until you're nothing?

Ever wished... That you were gone? That you weren't even a single thought in somebody's head?

Ever thought that life was just the cruelest thing in the entire world, and that you couldn't wish for anything more but your own death to hurry it's ass up?

"Get a life," they said. "You need a job," the said. "You're a nobody," they said...

"Why are you leaving?" They asked.

I used to be happy. See that? Past tense. I was probably the happiest person you could ever meet... Sadly, we all have our dark days, and mine just happened to appear at the age of fifteen. Everyone ends up leaving me, and here I am just begging for them to come back. Rule number one: Never let anyone so close to you, if you know that they'll just end up leaving you...

Had amazing parents, and now they're gone. Thought I was in love with a girl, but boy that was a bust. Everything I ever believed in-- Everything I thought was possible turned out to be impossible, and it decided to fail me in the end.

Graduated high school, and thought that going to college would be an amazing idea. I decided on majoring in theater, but just couldn't get through college without feeling like something was missing in my life. Something I desired more than anything, besides ruling the world. I wanted something-- Needed something...

Which leads me to where I am now...

"Rigby! If you don't get your ass back home right now, I swear to fucking God, I will find you and murder--"

I ended the call on my phone, sliding it in my back pocket. Who knows? Maybe heading all the way back to California will help me figure out what in the world I'm missing in my life. I grew up in California. I was raised there, so the thing I feel like I've been missing has to be there. My answers have to be there... They have to.

I don't have a car... Don't have enough money to get plane tickets. All that's left to do is...

I stuck my thumb out, hoping someone would pull over and give me a ride.

Is hitchhike...

The Hitch-Hiker [Morby]Where stories live. Discover now