The Truth

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Adam descended down the ladder with caution but froze when a groan was heard he looked up and saw Barney and Ross stop moving.

"Goat? What's going ons? Why did yous stop?" Adam looked up at his friend who was looking at him. He lifted his finger to his lips in a shush motion as he took out a pistol. Barney understood and took out his crossbow and loaded an arrow. Ross took a breath being a pacifist doctor was a very hard role but he harden his grip on the bars. Adam lowered down as he stopped and stood in a height that was low enough to not cause any damage and dropped down. He held his pistol in the air and his eyes widen in disbelief. Before him were three walkers caged up banging at the bars reaching out towards Adam trying to grab him. Barney and Ross lowered down both looked at the cages in disbelief.

"Why are walkers heres?" Barney whispered loud enough for the two males to hear. Ross walked up to the chest and found notes of chemicals and a journal.

"Guys... There's a journal here." Ross handed the book to Adam who flipped through the pages each page was the progression of the walkers being formed and the final page stated:

"I believe the world is ready to experience my creation, I will leave three behind to see how long they can survive without food."

"The world's ready?" Barney asked but saw that Adam was trembling in rage he understood this one better than the last journal they found involving those cannibals, this one was as clear as glass.

"Whoever owned this cabin is the reason the world is in ruin... THIS ASSHOLE DESTROYED OUR HUMANITY, OUR CIVILIZATION IS GONE!!!" Adam threw the book to the ground and and gripped his hair in rage.

"Woah! Goat re-relax!!"

"Barney we found the idiot who destroyed our world with this infection, and you expect me to calm down?!" Ross gripped Adam's shoulder and looked at him dead in the eyes. Adam looked at him feeling discomfort he felt like Ross was studying him.

"Adam acting in this manner will get you no where I suggest you take the notes and give them to Nick he must have found the military already in Washington." Adam pulled away from Ross' grip and walked towards the dead. He lifted his gun and shot them.

"GOAT! What ares you doing!!??"

"This asshole is the reason we're in this world where we have to sleep with one eye open, he doesn't deserve to come back to this cabin and get proper analysis on these subjects." Adam walked around and finally reached the last one shooting it dead. He was glaring daggers at the bodies and walked away and headed up the ladder. Barney followed close behind leaving Ross alone down there.

"Hmm they were alive for quite a long time, t'was a shame their dead." Ross commented to himself as he climbed the ladder Jess was staring at Ross with suspicion but that's how she's been for the last few days they've met. The group all sat down as Adam took patrol and stayed awake.

Morning arrived as usual Adam was sitting by front door on a chair near a window looking out at the forest with the sun's rays peaking through the trees. Jess woke up as she leaned on the wall giving herself less pressure on her leg. She saw Adam glaring daggers at the window.

"Adam..." Adam only hummed in conformation signifying that he was listening. "... I heard what you guys found..."

"... It doesn't make sense to me Jess, what person would release this virus thinking it was a good idea?"

"Maybe it was an acc-"

"No, it wasn't an accident it was on purpose, this person truly believed that they good by releasing this infection. Almost as if he or she sees us subjects for experimentation-" Adam froze when he felt a body press against his back his body tensed for a second but relaxed. Jess held him closely as she lowered her eyelids.

"Adam, relax if anything this person probably got caught in the apocalypse and is dead already. What we need to focus on more then anything right now is to survive and find Nick. Once we group up with him, living will almost feel like we were living with friends..." Jess smiled happily to herself as she said this. Adam stiffened and looked at her with a sad smile.

"You look up to Nick don't you..."

"Of course he's a great friend, though I haven't known him for long." Jess replied to Adam who turned his body. She noticed his smile and gave a confused look.

"Yeah, I guess knowing someone puts them over the top." Adam walked away from her as she looked at him walk away. What she didn't see was his face turned into a sad frown as he lifted his hand to his chest. Jess seems to be very infatuated with this Nick guy. He just hopes that he'll treat her right. Barney and Ross woke up as the four of them ate their breakfast. Barney was looking at his best friend and noticed the broken mood he's in.

"Goat... yous okays?" Adam flinched as he looked up at his friends and gave a fame smile.

"I'm fine Barney I'm just still upset about the whole discover we made last night... it's not exactly helping that we're living under the roof of that manic." Barney knew better that this wasn't the case something else is troubling him.

"Comes, wes talk outside." Barney stated, he stood up and grabbed Adam's arm and dragged him outside. Jess watched her two friends walk out and felt chills down her spine as she looked at Ross who was quietly eating.

"So, how's your leg? Is it feeling any better?" Ross asked as Jess nodded slowly. Ross stood up and walked to the wall that held Jess's stick and handed it to her. "There you shouldn't walk around without it, even if you were leaning on the wall." Ross stated as he went towards the ladder.

"Why are you going down there?"

"I'm going to see if there might be any supplies I could use. There's nothing wrong with having a surplus of chemicals to help with the antidote." Ross stated as he went down leaving Jess alone. Jess stood up and walked towards the door and heard Barney and Adam talking.

"Adam's, you knows I reads yous like book." Jess froze in surprise that's the first time Barney said Adam's real name, it must be serious.

" Barney... there's nothing wrong, I'm just over reacting is all..."

" Overs reacting!? Adams yous look like when... that happened" Jess backed away she shouldn't be listening it's not in her moral to. She walked towards the kitchen and sat down alone.

Outside Adam was tense Barney knew him too well. They were like brothers after all, if either were in a bad mood the one of them would notice in an instant no matter how good of an actor they were. Barney walked up to Adam and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Adam's... what's wrong..." Adam sighed to himself as he looked at his friend.

"What would you do when you know the person your finally opening up to possibly be with them doesn't like you the way you do them?" Adam stated looking down. Barney looked at his friend, there was pain in his expression and he knew who he was talking about. He felt himself smile because he's seen the chemistry between the forming.

"Is this about Jet?" Adam felt his cheeks redden. "Goat, of course she like yous. Whys wouldn't shes? Your Goat!!!"

"But what about Nick, It's possible that she might..."

"No no no! She respects him! Buts shes like you~" Adam pulled himself from Barneys grip and looked at him with a sad smile. Barney stood confused at him as he turned his body way from him.

"Don't lie to me Barney. You should see the way she talks about him, she has this smile that it's indescribable when she mentions him, like she lights up almost like a Christmas tree..." Barney froze in disbelief at his stubborn friend. He's seen those smiles too they were directed to him because she enjoys his company the most.

"Goat why don's you ask her see what her answer is." Barney sighed in annoyance as he walked back into the cabin. He noticed Jess sitting on her own. She was staring at the front door with worry.

"Is everything okay Barney?" Barney smiled as he nodded but sat down next to her and looked at her in the eyes.

"So's tell mes Jet, which so you prefers, Goat or Nicks?"

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