The Cabin in the Woods

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Adam stood there as Jess was kissing his cheek, he actually ended up letting her go so she was just holding on to him. Jess moved back with a smile on her face as she grinned happily at Adam.

"Thanks for taking care of me Adam, I really appreciate you going out of your way to keep me around." Adam was tomato red as he pulled his goggles on to his eyes and turned away from Jess embarrassed of the bright red his cheeks have turned.

"No problem..." Adam smiled happily to himself, it was a nice feeling on his cheek. He pressed his fingers on his face still feeling the soft lips pressed against his face. Adam shook his head and looked at everyone, "Alright we should start heading out. The thrashing in the other side of the door seems to have died down. We should try and group up with Nick and the others"

"Oh when you guys leave can you please do me a favour and give these to Ghetto when you see him?" Ross asked as he lifted a case. Adam opened the case and stared in shock.

"What are these chemicals for?"

"To prevent Ghetto from turning." Ross stated simply as he went towards the microscope scanning the slides and adding chemicals. Adam, Barney and Jess stood in disbelief.

"What?! Ghettos gets bites?!" Barney asked unable to process the information given. Ross twisted his body to look at the three nodding.

"Yes, I was able to conjure up a medicine that could help stabilize him, but only for a short period of time. Meaning he has to drink this at least once a day." Ross stated calmly as he held an extra for himself just in case he loses the recipe.

"Oh my god... Ghetto..." Jess whispered.

"Wouldn't it be better if you came with us instead? It would make the trip to where ever they are much easier to get to, as well as send us out for supplies and finding any possible cure. You are a really good scientist for discovering the temporary vaccine." Adam suggested as Ross chuckled to himself a bit darkly then expected and it didn't go unnoticed by Jess, she narrowed her eyes and stared at the doctor. That laugh didn't sit well with her but she chose to try and look past it seeing as Ross did save her.

"I suppose that is a better proposition to be honest the reason I am not with Nick and the others is because I was searching for more supplies, you know for the formula. But I have enough to extend Ghettos sentient state. Shall we head out?" Ross asked as he placed on his bag with a small smile seeming genuine but his half lidded eyes read something else.

"But where do we go? We don't know where to being looking." Jess stated.

"I can amend this lack of information for I actually sent them towards Washington D.C. if there is anywhere in this world that would be a better base it to find a cure it would be there."

The four of them left the town and found a stick long and thick enough to help Jess release pressure from her leg. They walked through the wooden area silently killing any zombies they come across. Barney was ahead of the group keeping an eye out for any zombies. Now granted that isn't the best idea to have the guy with only one eye to lead but he was the best shot when it came to the crossbow he found the weapon in an abandoned campsite as the others got M9's and melee weapons and seeing as it is the most silent weapon they own at the moment. They proceeded to walk but Barney stopped for a second, he squinted his single eye and jogged towards what he believed to be a cabin.

"Hey! Guys!! I finds cabin!!" Adam rose an eyebrow and walked towards Barney thinking the eyepatched male was seeing things. But when he stood by Barney surely enough it was there. "Maybes we cans rest? Jet needs to keep hers leg, and all's this walking nots going to help."

"Wow, not yet Barney we have to make sure the cabin is empty lets look for windows and peak through, let's also include the fact we also have to make sure no zombies are near by. If no one is seen inside or any signs of the dead, then we'll rest here for the night. Ross, you mind watching Jess while we check the area?" Ross nodded in agreement and leaned by a tree and sat down. Jess watched the man as he simply sat down with ease. His laugh from earlier sent chills down her spine and she hated it.

"Jess come here please I need to check your leg and it's condition at the moment." His sloth like tone made her grit her teeth. No she did not like him at all. She gave him a fake smile and shook her head no.

"Why not wait until it's clear to go in the cabin there could be seats in there."

"Alright fair enough, but you might want to sit down at least you'll strain your knee." Jess nodded and sat by a tree away from the doctor. He sat by his tree lazily smiling and made Jess narrow her eyes.

"A bit smiley there aren't you Doc'?"

"I prefer to stay positive, being pessimistic never helped anyone." Adam and Barney returned to the two giving them the clear that Cabin is safe. The group entered the cabin which was only one floor there was a TV, kitchen, bathroom which Barney too the pleasure of going in leaving with the sound of a flush right after.

"Plumbings work!!!"

"Wow, that is impressive what piping system is this cabin going on?" Adam asked as he won't to the bathroom to check the faucet to see watter running but it wasn't clean. "Alright plumbing works but the water is not sanitary so no one drink it!" Jess giggled at the strain Adam placed in pitting it out there that it isn't a goo idea to drink the water. She looked back at Ross who was setting up the seats to face each other and sat down and looked at Jess with a smile. She sighed and went to sit in front ot him and lifted her leg slowly to lay on Ross's lap. He undid the bandage and checked the stitching to see the flesh has been repairing itself quite nicely.

"Well your leg is healing in great timing by the time we arrive to D.C it should be healed fully. And the wound id fully closed so the stitching is no longer required. But I highly advise you inject some morphine every now and then to help the healing process and relieve pain. Just don't over dose." Ross lowered her leg and checked around the kitsch to see if there are any scissors to cut the thread. But he only found a knife. "Alright the tug from the knife might cause discomfort seeing as your wound is still sensitive, so try your best not to move."

Jess nodded and placed her fist in her mouth. Ross placed the knife on the thread tugging the flesh. Jess turned her head bitting down on her knuckles feeling her body tremble in pain as her eyes watered. It took a while for Ross to remove the thread but when he did he took out some alcohol and poured it on the wound covering it with a bandage.

"There now stay seated, we don't want you to open your wound and have a repeat of this event." Jess nodded and lowered her leg. She looked at the others and sighed in exhaustion as she stood up to look for a room to rest in. But froze at the sight of something on the wall. She limped towards the wall finding a button, her curiosity getting the best of her and she pushed it. The sound of pistons moving the book shelf was hard as the guys and her looked at the now opened Book shelf to a dark abyss consumed staircase.

"What the hell?" Adam commented as he walked towards it.

"Goat, I thinks secret entrance is not chickaler." Barney dreaded holding his cross bow at the ready. Ross was relaxed as he looked at the entrance but his eyes were narrowed in displeasure.

"Well we should check it out."

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