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Hoseok learned that life moves on without you the hard way.

Time kept on ticking away, no matter how much you missed someone, or how hard you cried over your loss.

Hoseok was taught that if someone walked away, to let them, because spending weeks hurting over it, wasn't very ideal.

So he moved on.

Ever since the night which he found the lotus flower on his doorstep, he was vulnerable for one second as a part of him started to want Jimin back, but he dismissed those feelings, and returned back to his life.

Soon, the snow on the ground melted, the clouds moved away from the sky, and winter turned into spring, which meant booming business for Hoseok. He was able to return to work at Victoria's Flower Shop.

And return to Taehyung.

Hoseok knew that falling for someone just because you were heartbroken was a stupid mistake to make, but Hoseok found that those were the only kinds of mistakes he was making recently, so he found himself slowly falling for the younger boy with the box smile.

And Taehyung found himself falling for Hoseok, and the way he radiated happiness and comfort wherever he was, despite the pain he was going through.

So when Hoseok went into the back room, where flower petals were scattered among the grey concrete, and approached Taehyung, kissing him as the bouquet of orchids lay forgotten on the table, Taehyung let him.

Taehyung also found himself wrapping his arms around Hoseok's neck, deepening the kiss, and allowing himself to fall even further.

Hoseok smiled against the kiss, because he had found someone that was able to replace Jimin, which recently had been very difficult to do so.

But the thought of Jimin never really left Hoseok, even as he found himself moving in with Taehyung, and even three years later, when he received the invitation.

He pulled out a lilac colored envelope from the mail box, with his address and his name written in black, loopy handwriting, with no return address.


Without a second thought, Hoseok tore open the envelope, pulling out the white card that was adorned with a bow the same color of the envelope, the black words screaming out at Hoseok.

You are cordially invited to the wedding of Min Yoongi & Park Jimin.

Hoseok was shocked, and for a moment all the painful feelings and memories he had locked away came rushing upon him, like a typhoon.

But he brushed it away, because it was fine. It was perfectly fine for Jimin to move on. Didn't Hoseok do the same thing?

He sighed, walking inside the small house Taehyung and him shared, with your classic white picket fence and yellow flowers growing out in the front.

He stomped through the front door, anger starting to boil up inside of him, and approached Taehyung, who was drinking some tea and looking at a book.

"Is everything alright?" Taehyung asked, looking up at Hoseok with concern.

Hoseok held out the invitation towards him, letting the piece of paper do all of the explaining.

Taehyung quickly scanned over the words, mouth slowly falling open in surprise. When he was finished reading it, he stood up, placing his hands on Hoseok's shoulders.

"So, we just got an invitation to Park Jimin's wedding." He said, as if he was stating the obvious.

Hoseok nodded in reply.

"The Park Jimin?" Taehyung asked, emphasizing the 'the' in his sentence. Maybe, there was another Park Jimin out there who invited Hoseok to his wedding.

But no, it was the Park Jimin from all those years ago that took Hoseok's heart, and to put it into cliche terms, made it shatter into a million pieces.

Taehyung had also realized that maybe Hoseok didn't know that he had done the exact same thing to Jimin, breaking his heart and all, and should've probably cut him some slack.

"We should go." Taehyung said, leaning forward to peck Hoseok on the lips.

Once Taehyung pulled away, Hoseok shook his head no. "We can't ever go to that wedding."

"Because it would hurt too much?" Taehyung asked, raising his eyebrows in question.

Hoseok gaped at him, gasping at the accusation. "You think I'm still hurt over that whole situation?"

Taehyung nodded. "I think you are."

Hoseok opened his mouth to say something else, but was immediately shushed by Taehyung.

"Hoseok, it's okay to still be angry. I would still be angry at him if I were in your position."

Hoseok sighed, stepping forward and leaning his head on Taehyung's shoulder.

"Yeah, yeah, I know. I just don't want to remember what he looked like. A big part of the pain was remembering."

Taehyung wrapped his arms around Hoseok, sighing again. "I understand."

They stood there, in each other's embrace as a million thoughts rushed through Hoseok's mind. He knew that attending the wedding would be respectful, but he also knew that seeing Jimin again, for the first time after he left for L.A. all those years ago, would hurt beyond belief.

"I'll go to the wedding if you come with me." Hoseok announced quietly, lifting up his head to meet Taehyung's eyes. Taehyung smiled, his arms still wrapped around Hoseok, sunlight pouring in from the windows.

"Okay." He leaned forward, giving Hoseok one more kiss, and returned to his book.

But little did Taehyung know, he also left Hoseok with the pain and thought of Jimin, who was getting married to Min Yoongi, who used to be Hoseok's best friend.

This quiet little life, filled with flowers, kisses, and little white picket fences, was about to disappear in a flash, and Hoseok was completely unknowing to the situation.

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