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Kaitlyn and Ty have been gone for at least an hour now. They would have come back.. "So. Are you sure they're gonna come back, Steven?" I asked, a little teasingly. "I don't know. People can be wrong sometimes." He snapped at me. "Jaysus.. I get it." I mumbled.

As soon as we had enough food, we hauled it back to the house. We figured that Kaitlyn and Ty had just gotten bored and gone back to the house. "Hey, Trooper!" Sky called when he opened the door. "Yeah?" Trooper replied. "Did Ty and Kaitlyn come back here earlier?" Sky asked. "No. Why?" Trooper asked. "Cause they wandered off while we were hunting and they haven't come back." Sky said. There was a moment of silence. "They wandered off into the woods?" Trooper asked. "I would guess so because they aren't-" Ian cut himself off to think. "Here.." He continued. "Uh oh. You think it was your brother?" I asked Trooper. "That's the most likely thing." Trooper answered. I sighed. Kaitlyn always knows how to get herself into trouble. And I'm almost positive she dragged Ty into this too. "But maybe they just got lost or something?.." Insanity suggested. "Oh.. Didn't think of that." Trooper said to herself. "Well why don't we go find them?" I asked. "Okay. Who wants to go?" Sky asked. Everyone had agreed to go, so when we left, Sky locked the house up tight.

The sun was on the brink of going below the horizon. We had been out here looking for hours now, and there has still been no signs of them. I just got impatient and screamed at the top of my lungs, "KAITLYN, TY WHERE ARE YOU?!" Even though, I knew I wouldn't get a response, I was desperately hoping for one. I glanced up at the sky and saw the first few stars of the night. I felt childish to do this, but I quietly mumbled to myself, "Star light, star bright, first star I see tonight. I wish I may, I wish I might have this wish I wish tonight. Please bring my friends back to me.." I sighed and looked down at the forest floor, shoving some leaves around with my foot. I noticed something shining in the dimming sunlight. I crouched down and dug through the pile of leaves to pull out a ring on a necklace chain. It's Kaitlyn's. "They've been here.." I said to myself. I took quick glances around my surrounding area, catching the glint off of Sky's medallion once or twice. I think we're on the right track.

I blinked my eyes open slowly to what looked like a blank, steel room. Kaitlyn wasn't in sight, and that bothered me. The walls were rusting and showing massive signs of wear and previous inhabitance. The room was rather large. I could walk around freely, but that's about it. The ceiling was just brushing the top of my head so I had to hunch over a bit to be able to stand. I didn't dare say a word, in fear of stirring something that would attack. My eyes suddenly caught sight of a door-like impression on the left wall. I rushed to it and pushed it with all my might since there was no door handle. The door-like patch on the wall didn't budge. "Just because it looks like a door doesn't mean it is a door.." I mumbled to myself. I turned and leaned against the wall with my back, eventually sliding to the floor. I rested my chin on my knees and sighed. Why did I agree to go with Kaitlyn again? Oh right. I didn't want her to go alone. Go me for being a good friend. I thought. I smiled as I thought of her. Great friend she is. Caring, trustworthy, loyal, honest, will break your neck if you do something really bad or stupid.

I kicked the steel wall over and over. I wanted out. I needed more space to run around and be myself. "TY!?" I called out. No response. I kept kicking the wall in rage. "WHO'S THE ASS THAT DID THIS?!" I shouted. "Call me an ass again, you brat." Said a deep voice behind me. I whirled around and threw an immediate punch, that was caught before making contact with him. "Ignorant child. You can't fight me. I can only beat you." He said. He suddenly grabbed my arm and flipped me over his back. I hit the ground hard, butt first. Without taking any notice to the pain, I kicked at his leg, just barely missing it. "Weak." He said, throwing a punch. Before I even felt any pain, all was black.

Sky'sTrooper (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now